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May 16, 2009

I found my phone. I checked it and seen I had 15 missed calls. My phone died so I put it on the charger. I checked to see who called. Shit- I mean dang. Don't tell mom she will hit me. Even if we seem like the best of friends.

Jahseh called me. He was probably home alone again. His neighborhood is pretty dangerous. He probably needed to come over. Dang it. "Mom" I yelled out. "Yes" she said back. "We gotta go get Jahseh" I said. I heard keys jiggle so I made my way to the front.

"Come on" she said. We walked outside and got into the car. We drove to Jahseh's house. I got out and knocked on the door. Mom stayed in the car and watched me. She didn't want her car stolen or whatever she said was her excuse.

Jahseh came to the door with tears on his face. I hugged him and told him to grab some clothes. He said no. I asked him why. He didn't answer. He just hugged me and told me to never take my necklace off. I grew confused and he closed the door in my face.

I called him and he didn't answer. I heard our voicemail we made together. "I can't answer the phone right now I'm chilling with my bestfriend. Say bye Avery. Byeeeeee" then it ended. I walked back to the car. "Is he coming?" Mom asked. "No" I said.

I cried in the backseat. I continued to call him, but he still didn't answer. What did he need to talk about? Are we friends still? I called him one last time and he didn't answer. Something changed though.

Our voicemail was gone.


May 16, 2009

I sat down on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Mom didn't come home last night. I was here by myself. One of my neighborhood caregivers got shot. The one that fed me the night I saved my mom to be exact.

Avery said she'd be there if I needed to talk. I guess that's just proof that the one's you love the most won't be there if you need them. No one will be there for me. My grandma called so I'm getting picked up by her. I got to stay there until I learn how to not fight people.

I'm not going to stop fighting. I got to protect myself. So that's not going to happen. I guess I'll be permanently living with her. Oh well. I haven't seen my little brother in a while.

I wonder how he doing. Better than me most likely. One thing I hope he never goes through is what I'm going through. I'll be here to protect him. He'll need it. That's for sure. Maria called me and I told her I'll date her.

So I guess that ugly bitch is my girlfriend. She loves me though. Even though it's not mutual. I grabbed some clothes and waited for my grandma to get here. She said she was outside and I walked out.

I'm ready to leave this neighborhood, but it's all I ever known. Oh yeah and words of advice. Never trust someone to listen if you ever need to talk. That's right. I said it.

I have no friends.

Hope you enjoyed

I cried about this friendship ending.

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See ya next time.

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