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June 17, 2014

He leaned me back and kissed my neck. "I went to sleep at night dreaming about the things I'd do to you" he whispered against my neck. "I thought about you constantly" he continued. "Now I can do those things" he said.

He left my neck and kissed my lips passionately. I let him slide his tongue in and we made out intensely. Things were getting steamy and he bit my bottom lip softly. He pulled away and I leaned back up. I sat him back on the bed and undid his towel.

I grabbed onto his dick and proceeded to stroke him. I leaned over his face and kissed him. My hand never left his dick. He let out groans into my mouth and I pulled away to watch him bite his lip. "Alright but seriously get dressed we got to go" I said moving my hand and fixing my shirt.

He groaned and got up. "Fine, but no excuses later" he said. I rolled my eyes. "No excuses" I said. He put on his clothes and i grabbed my phone and keys again. We walked back out the house and got into my car.

"Let's stop by my mom's house real quick" he said. "Ok" I said and started up the car. We put on our seatbelts and I pulled off towards his mom's house. We arrived in like 5 minutes. I'm surprised I never got pulled over.

The whole car ride was Jah screaming for his life. He kept telling me to slow down, but I didn't because its payback for every time he didn't slow down. We got out of the car and I knocked on the door. Ma came to the door and hugged me.

Jahseh came in after me and Ma screamed. She smothered him in a hug and kissed his face. "I missed you" she said. "Missed you too ma" he said. He moved his head around. "Where Aiden at?" He asked. "At your grandma's house" she said.

I smiled at the little reunion. "Anyway, me and Avery got to get going" he said after talking and catching up. "Ok, I'll see yall later then" Ma said. I nodded and Jah grabbed my hand. We walked out of the house and back to the car.

"So where we going?" He asked. "Where we went the first time" I said. He smiled and and grabbed my hand. He kissed it then told me he loved me. I blushed and told him I loved him back.


June 17, 2014

She drove off from my mom's house and we got on the highway. I glanced over at her and her necklace. The fact she actually never took it off makes me feel some type of way. Whenever I see her the only thing that comes to my mind is 'damn that's all mine'.

I love it. I love her. We got off on an exit and she drove up to the Longhorns. She parked and we got out. We walked into the restaurant and got seated. "Mommy that's the boy that was on the news" this little white kid said.

I sighed and Avery rubbed my hand. The waiter came over and took our order. It was just this one big steak that we split. After we finished eating I paid and we left.

Avery went to this icecream shop and we got this large tub of icecream. I ordered this big cup of crushed oreos and poured it on there. We ate our icecream and we never stopped holding hands.

I swear one day we're going to get in trouble for PDA. Fuck it.

Hope yall enjoyed

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