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October 12, 2012

"Baby just let it go" I said. Jahseh was mad that this boy named Devonte talked to me today. We've been dating for 2 years now. He needs to chill though. Devonte is my friend. I don't even like him like that. The only person I've ever found attractive was Jahseh.

"I told him yesterday don't talk to you" he said. "I know, but that's our friend" I said trying to get him to think. I walked over and hugged him. While we hugged my door opened. "I know yall dating and all, but I don't trust 14 year olds in a room together with the door closed" mom said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Ok" I said. "Do I need to gauge them out" mom said. "No ma'am I'm sorry" I said and she huffed then left the room. Cracking the door when she left.

She's been so extra recently. Oh yeah and me and Jahseh made another voicemail.


"Hey its Avery and Jahseh can't come to the phone right now because we're cuddling. Call back later I guess"


"Its Jahseh and Avery can't come to the phone right now because we're doing cute couple stuff you wish you were doing right now, say whatever you gotta say after that beep"

I love him. It's like I was meant to be with him or something. We have no problems at all. It's like our life is being wrote for us. Nothing is going to go wrong. As for as I see it. I hugged Jahseh again and kissed him.

"Ave come here real quick" mom said from the other room. "Coming" I said. Jahseh laughed. "Not yet" he said and laughed again. I blushed a little and walked into the room where mom was.

"Hey baby, come here" she said and I walked over to her. "Yes" I said waiting for her to speak. "I'm pregnant" she say excitedly. I smiled. I've always wanted a sibling. "You foreal?" I asked. She nodded her head. I hugged her.

"Finally" I said. Then I went back to my room and cuddled with Jahseh.


That night

"I want to try something" I said shaking Avery. She was half asleep and I needed to ask her something. Everyone in the house was sleeping. Ms.H only lets her lock her door to go to sleep.

"What" she responded. "I want to try something" I said. "Like what?" She asked. "What I've been constantly asking for about 2 years" I said. She flopped over. " I don't care, but I'm going to sleep" she said.

"Ok" I said. I peeled the covers back a little and removed her shorts. I took off her underwear and put it somewhere I could find it. I moved my hand down to exposed area and rubbed her. We some badasses. It's ok though.

She squirmed and I put one of my fingers in her. My gaze never left her face. I want to see her reaction. I moved my finger in and out slowly. The feeling felt satisfying. It's like putting your hand in slime and playing with it.

She squirmed a little more and I put my tongue against her. This shit was nice. Why didn't I do this earlier. Oh wait. I kept licking her and she began to whimper. I looked up after looking down and seen she was awake and looking right back at me.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. I licked her faster and moved my finger in and out again. She felt through my hair and pushed me closer. I sucked her clit and her hips bucked. This went on for awhile until she finally came on my finger and tongue. I licked her one last time.

I sucked on my fingers and located her underwear. I put it back on her and tossed her, her shorts. She pit them on and I laid down. She got up and laid on my chest. She leaned up and kissed me. Then fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and let sleep consume me.

Hope you enjoyed

Those nasty ass children.

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See ya next time.

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