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December 15, 2004

"Honey you in there" mom asked from outside my locked door. "Yeah I'm in here" I said. The doorknob jiggled. "Avery Marie Thompson what did I tell your 6 year old self about locking my damn doors" she said. I got up from my desk and walked over to the door. I unlocked the door and she came in.

She sat on my bed then looked at me. "Baby what's wrong?" She asked. "I'll answer to my father, oh wait" I said then turned back around. "Baby, I know losing him was hard, but that doesn't mean mope around because kids said mean things to you" she explained.

She came over to give me a hug. I moved out of the way. "Baby why can't I hug you?" She asked. "Because you're not Jahseh" I said then crossed my arms. "Every single time you make that excuse" she said. "It's not an excuse, it's a reason" I said. She glared at me then sighed and left the room.

I miss him. I figured out what the lip touch was. It was a kiss. He kissed me. He also whispered something when we sat at the table one time. I don't know what it means, but he said it when he heard I was getting homeschooled.

"Then how will I get to hug you?" he said or something like that.  Maybe I'll see him on my birthday. We can celebrate it together. We can be friends again.

I wonder what he's doing. Does he miss me?


December 15, 2004

I was sitting in my room playing with my little action figures and thinking about Avery. I miss her. I got off my floor and called out for my mom. It was 5 minutes until she answered back.

"Mommy I'm hungry" I said. "Give me 30 minutes" she said. I'm hungry now so I walked down the stairs. I had no shoes or socks on. As I neared the kitchen I seen broken glass on the floor.

"Mommy?" I said with worry in my voice. I didn't hear anything. I started to hear banging. The picture of me as a baby fell onto the floor. The glass shattered and I almost got cut.

I got a clear idea of what was going on so I walked around the little corner. I seen my mom on a wall being close to choked out. By that dude Mark. I thought I told him the last time don't let me see this stuff again. He told me they were playing.

This doesn't look like playing. I grabbed a shard of glass of the floor and ran toward him. I jumped on his back and bit his neck to make an irritated spot.

I lifted my hand and stabbed him in the neck about 10 times. I liked the way he screamed. It sounded nice. Momma pulled me off of him and called an ambulance. Once the paramedics came here they took him and then left.

I walked over to mom and hugged her. She was crying and asking if I was okay. I told her I was fine. I have look out for both of us from now on. I have to protect her. She got out of the hug and grabbed the broom. She sweeped up the glass and then laid down on the couch.

I got her some frozen peas and she put it on her eye. I got her a blanket and laid it on her. I walked outside the house and went to some random person's house. I knocked on their door and they let me in. They fed me and drove me back home.

I laid on the couch with my mom. She wrapped her arm around me. "I told you so" I whispered to her then went to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed

That nigga Mark a fuck nigga.

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See ya next time.

Kinda short...oh well.

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