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December 17, 2004

I woke up and peed. I walked back over to my bed and waited for my mom to wake up. I got suspended and mom said I get a whooping everyday until I go back. Maria tried me that time. It's Maria's fault that she got choked.

I really do hope she dies. I have to find out what was on that invitation. Avery is my friend and I don't plan on losing her. I start my revenge plan today. 6 year olds never have these many problems.

I'll make her life bad that's for sure. If I don't hurt Maria someone else will. I'll make sure of it. Want to be a bitch I'll show you how they act. "Jahseh come here right now" mom said from the living room.

I made my way to the living room. I sat down on the couch and got prepared for the whooping I probably deserved. Mom hugged me and I got shocked. "I found out what happened" she said. "Devonte's parents called" she explained.

"So I figured out Avery's mom's number and got you another invitation" she said. I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you ma" I said and kissed her cheek. "Love you" I said then ran back up to my room and celebrated.

Maybe Maria doesn't need to be hurt. Maybe. Scratch that I want her to. I heard she likes me. That might work to my advantage, but I like Avery. I knew that since I first laid my adorable ass eyes on her.

I most likely will have everything worked out. I'll leave the plan alone. For now. I wonder what me and Avery will do. What will I make my mom get her. It needs to be special. Because she's special to me. What am I saying?, I'm only six I don't know anything.


December 17, 2004

"Guess who just called baby" mom said as she bust into my room. "Who?" I asked focused on the coloring sheet she bought me. "Jahseh's mom" she said and I instantly got happy. I jumped out of my seat and ran over to her.

"Yayyyyy" I screamed locking her legs with a hug. "This is going to be the best birthday ever" I said and went back over to my desk. "Now get out, you're going to ruin the surprise" I said. "Ok baby" she said laughing at what she assumed was a joke. "Mommy get out" I said. "Fix your tone, I will come over there and beat your ass next time" She said then she walked out of my room and closed the door behind her.

Jahseh is coming to my birthday party. We're going to celebrate my birthday together. I'm so excited. Six more days until my birthday. I have to wait six more days to see him again. Or maybe I won't. Mommy has his mom's number. She could call and we could hang out now.

It was certain that I felt extremely comfortable around Jahseh. I can tell we are going to be the bestest of friends. Everyone will be jealous of our friendship. If you were to ask me what the most important thing to me is right now. I would tell you.



Hope you enjoyed

They're friendship is making me cringe...so imma ruin it 😔.

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