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June 13, 2009

I played with the necklace. I've never taken it off. Me and Jahseh only say one word to each other. The words are complete opposites. I say hey and he'll say bye. We do that everyday.

As long as we still talk I don't care. I tell him I love him every night before I go to bed. He'll read it and never respond. Mom said I can try public school again. So I'll be in the nearest public middle school when summer is over.

I'll be 13 in December so mom said I can start having  the new friends I'll make over. I can't wait. "Ave come on" mom said. "Coming" I yelled and slipped on some shorts and a tshirt.

We were going to the beach. Mom said I had to put clothes over my bathing suit because I matured fast. I don't know what that means. But I do know I don't wear training bras anymore.

She said I'm 'walking jail bait'. I walked out of my room and slipped on my flip flops. I went outside to the car and mom started it up. I was only going to the beach because I was bored. I had no one to talk to.

My phone vibrated against my butt causing me to squirm. I pulled it out of my back pocket. I pressed the power button and checked my notifications. I seen a bunch of Instagram notifications about people liking and commenting on my recent picture.

One stuck out though. It brought a smile to my face.


I know you do. I love you too ❤.

I smiled and blushed at the same time. That was the most he texted me in a while. I got out of the car when we reached the beach and took off my clothes.

I took the back part of my bathing suit out of my butt. I ran into the water and swam around a bit. I looked towards the shore and seen a familiar figure.

I swam back to the shore to investigate. I get out of the water and walked over to the familiar figure. I smiled when I seen then that smile dropped.


June 13, 2009

I was walking down the beach holding pinkies with Maria. I will not hold her had. I refuse. She tried to kiss me, but I moved my head out of the way.

She was talking to me. I'm not trying to hear her though so I just tuned her out. I heard some sand move real quick. I turned my head around and seen this fine ass girl running away.

I knew that fine ass girl too. So I let Maria's pinky go and ran after the girl. "Avery" I yelled. She stopped and looked at me. I ran up to her and hugged her. I check her neck to see if the necklace was still there.

It was. She still looked down. Then slowly hugged me back. She started to cry so I wiped her eyes. "Can I come over tonight?" I asked her. "Sleepover, you know like old times" I said.

She looked up and laughed. She looked around then answered. "Nigga it was only a month" she said laughing. "A long ass month" I said and she nodded. "I guess you can come over" she said.

I smiled then looked around and lifted her face up. I kissed her. She kissed me back. It didn't last long because it was just a bestfriend type kiss. She turned around and I lightly tapped her ass.

"Chill" she said and continued to walk away. I walked up next to her and put my arm over shoulder. I have my bestfriend back now. I'm happy again. Maria called out my name. I turned around and walked backwards.

I shot the bird and turned back around to put my arm back over ry ry's shoulder. It's fuck Maria again.


Hope you enjoyed

Those two couldn't even go a whole month without eachother. Wow....

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See ya next time.

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