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December 16, 2004

"Baby get up" mom said. I leaned up in my bed and stretched. "We got a busy day today"she said. I looked at her with tired eyes. My eyes fluttered and I laid back down in bed.

I heard mommy sigh. I fell back asleep. I felt movement. I opened my eyes and seen I was fastened in my carseat. I looked around and seen the we were pulling into a parking lot. Mommy parked and looked back at me. "Oh you're up" she said.

I took in my surroundings and seen we were at Party City. I immediately got excited. She got out of the car and opened the door for me. I jumped out the car and ran into the building.

Mommy ran behind me and grabbed my hand. "Don't run off like that" she said putting me in one of the store's carts.  "What do you want it to look like?" Mom asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait mommy I want glitter" I said. "Baby when I get it you better not get it everywhere" she said sternly. "Okay, I won't" I said. We continued looking around and she paid for everything I picked out.

"Who do you want to come?" She asked. My heart started feeling weird. "Jahseh!" I exclaimed. "I'll see what I can do" she said. "Don't see what you can do, just do it" I said. She looked at me. "Please" I said poking my lip out.

"Alright" she said. "What do you want to eat that day?" She said. I started thinking back to me and Jahseh's conversation at the table. "We should get some shteak and then go get icecream with oreos on it" I said.

"Ok, that's simple I got you" she said. She drove up to the school. She got out of the car and walked to my side. She opened the door and unfastened my seatbelt.

She handed me the invitation as we walked into the school. She walked me to the office. "Do you know what class Jahseh Onfroy has?" The office lady asked someone else as my mom talked to her.

"Go down the hall and take a left" the lady said as she found out where my friend was. I ran out of the office and down the hall taking a left. I knocked on the classroom door and a girl came to the door.

She smiled at me and let me in. "Are you a new student?" The teacher asked. "No, I have to give someone something." I said.


December 16, 2004

I saw her walk into the class. I got out of my chair and ran up to her. "Jah Jah!" She yelled as she hugged me. "Hey ry ry" I said hugging her back.

"I missed you" I said. Everyone was staring at us. "I want to give you something" she said. I smiled wondering what it is she was going to give me. She handed me a peice of paper looking thing. I've seen some other kids have some throughout the year, but I never got one.

The kids in here call me weird. So I stay to myself. Avery is the only one that gets me. She has ever since we met in Pre-K. "Thank you" I said and hugged me. She hugged back and said she had to go. I kissed her cheek and she smiled then kissed my lips.

I looked down smiling. "Bye Jah Jah" she said then took off running down the hall. I walked back to my seat where this kid named Devonte smirked at me. "That your girlfweind" he teased. "No that's Avery" I said smiling at the mention of her name.

"Jahseh has a girlfriend" Devonte shouted across the room. I hit him in the arm. "Shut up." I said and the teacher gave us a look. Maria and Kaylee approached me. "Can yall go back to yall seat" I said highly annoyed with their presence.

Maria snatched my invitation out of my hand. "Hey stop" I said reaching for it back. Kaylee pushed me. "Stop" I said getting back up. Maria gave me a evil face and ripped it up into tiny strips.

I walked over to her and punched her in the face. "You bitch" I said then wrapped my hands around her neck. Kaylee started crying and Maria started gasping. Mrs.Monroe came over and pulled me off of her. "Go to the office Jahseh" she said.

"Just wait till I grow up a little more" I threatened. "All of you will be sorry" I said then walked out the door and slammed it. I hope that she dies.

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Why is Maria such a bitch?

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