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December 23, 2004

I laid in my quiet dark room too excited to fall asleep. I stared at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling that Jahseh slipped in my back pocket the last time I saw him.

How did he get those stars? I'll never know. All I know is that I'm 7 years old now. It was 2:35 in the morning I think. I got out of bed and ran into mommy's room. I jumped onto her bed and woke her up.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy it's my birthday" I said. "I know baby, happy birthday" she said and kissed my cheek. "Don't kiss me, I'm not a baby" I said wiping my cheek. "You're my baby" she said before attacking me in kisses.

"Mommy stop" I said laughing. "Okay okay" she said and stopped kissing me. "You excited?" She asked. "Yes ma'am" I said. She sat up and put on her glasses.

"Why you up so early?" She asked. "I'm excited" I said. "For the party or for your friend?" She asked. I put my hands over the smile that formed on my face. "My friend" I said. "Aww that's cute" she said. I playfully pushed her. "Stop" I said.

She laughed and hugged me until I fell back to sleep. We woke up at 12pm. The party starts at 1. "Mommy get out of bed" I said hopping off the bed and tugging at her arm. "You're gonna make me late" I said.

I ran into my room and dressed myself in the new outfit I got yesterday. I twirled in front of my little mirror and then ran into the living room. I sat down in the couch and stared at the lights on the Christmas tree.

I heard keys jiggle so I looked over in the direction of which I heard it. "Come on" mom said as she walked out the front door. "It's happening" I said lowkey excited.


December 23, 2004

"Mom the party is in 30 minutes" I said trying to get her to hurry up. I bought Avery a necklace with a 'A' on it. I can't wait to give it to her. I spent all the money I saved and found on it.

"I got to find my purse" she said. "Mom I have it, now come on" I said. "Boy, don't get smart with me and come on" she says like I wasn't just waiting on her. I walked out the house and got in the car.

* skipping car ride cuz ain't nobody got time fur that*

We parked and I got out of the car. I seen her and ran up to her. I hugged her from behind and she jumped because I scared her. "Jah Jah!" She screamed turning around.

"Happy birthday ry ry" I said. "Thank you" she said. We walked towards the door and I opened it for her. As of now we were at Longhorns. It smelled good in here. Never been her before. The waitress seated us and I sat next to Avery.

Her mom ordered this one steak and cut it in half. Me and Avery shared it. We held hands while we ate. Avery cut her cake and gave me the biggest piece. After we finished Avery's mom paid for everything.

We went to this icecream shop and got a tub of vanilla icecream. Avery sprinkled oreos over ours. We ate it, our hands never moving from eachothers.

We finished the icecream and I gave Avery the necklace. "Thank you Jah Jah" she said. "Everything on it is real" I informed her. "Ok" she said admiring it. "Never take it off" I said. " I won't" she said.

I put my pinky out. "Promise?" I asked. She placed her pinky with mine. "I promise" she said. I kissed her forehead and she kissed my cheek. Mom said we had to go so I hugged Avery one more time and said goodbye.


Hope you enjoyed

The friendship makes me sick.

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See ya next year.....jk

See ya next time.

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