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August 9, 2002

I woke myself up in the carseat because I was happy to see my new friend. I really made a friend on the first day of school. He said if I ever need anything he'll be there for me. I asked him what kind of problems would I have. I'm only 4.

He said I have to see things, but then said "nevermind mind you're to pwetty to see bad things." I wonder what we're going to do today. I unfastened myself and grabbed my bookbag. Mommy walked me in the class. "Bye momma see you later" I said and hugged her.

She kissed my forehead and I walked over to our table. Once he seen me he smiled. "Anything exciting happen?" He asked me. "I got icecream and momma let me get oreo sprinkles on it." I said smiling. "What flavor?" He asked. "Vanilla" I said. "Good to know" he said then smiled at me.

"What about you?" I asked. His face filled with the brightest smile. "I found out about this new meat thing" he said. "Really" my eyes widened with excitement. "I think it's called shteak" he said. "What's that?" I asked. "I'm not sure, but it taste good" he explained.

"Cool" I said. "One day we're going to go get shteak and icecream with oreos on it" he said out of nowhere. "That would be really cool" I said. He smiled looking at me again. He grabbed my hand that was on the table and interlaced our fingers.

Maria came up to the table. "Why are yall touching each others hands?" She asked. "'Cause we're friends" I responded. "My parents do that and they aren't friends" she said. I held a smile on my face because what she was saying was intriguing me.

"Wait I forgot neither of your parents are together so you wouldn't know that" she said. My smile dropped and Jahseh banged his small fist on the table. "He's coming back" I said on the verge of crying. "Its ok ry ry(ree-ree)" Jahseh said. The teacher stepped out of the room.

Jahseh stood up and smacked Maria across the face. He then came over and wiped the tears off my face. "She won't hurt you, I'm here" he said then hugged me. "Thank you Jah Jah" he kissed my forehead then sat back down. The teacher walked back in the room.

"Jahseh hit me" she said. "No he didn't I did" I said standing up. "Why would you hit her?" Mrs.Willams asked. "She was making fun of the fact we only have one parent with us" I said. "Maria and Avery I'm calling you guy's parents" she said.

The day went by and I gave Jahseh my snacks while drinking my juice. We slept next to each other again, never letting go of each other's hands. I'm probably going to get homeschooled.

Its finally the end of the day and mommy took me straight home. I didn't get icecream. I'm going to cry. She said I'm getting unenrolled and homeschooled. She said I had enough social interaction. My last day is tomorrow.

I have to leave Jahseh there by himself. I'm going to miss him. I took my bath and put on my pajamas then went to sleep.

August 10, 2002

She dropped me off and didn't even say bye. I guess I really disappointed her. I walked into the classroom and sat down with Jahseh. The smile he had on his face dropped when he saw me. "Ry ry what's wrong" he said grabbing my hand again. "I'm getting homeschooled" I said.

"What does that mean?" He asked. "I'm going to be taught at home, I won't see you ever again" I said then started crying. He came over wiped my face and hugged me. This was a routine thing, I'm a sensitive person.

The day went by again and I gave him my snacks. I drank my juice slowly. Then we went to take nap time and he scooted his cot extra close. He held my hand tighter than normal since he knew he'd probably never see me again.

If I wouldn't have cried, he wouldn't have needed a reason to stick up for me. Soon enough the school day ended and I hugged Jahseh really tight. Before I pulled away he placed his lips on mine. It only lasted a second and then he smiled and said bye.

Why does my stomach feel funny? I walked to my mom's car and got into my carseat. I fastened it and looked out the window. I waved goodbye to Jahseh and he did the same until I only seen a little silhouette of him.

I let a tear roll down my face. I'm never going to see him again.

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