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June 20, 2018

I've locked myself in my room. I'm not coming out for a while. I'm getting his name tattooed on my wrist. Yesterday I made the necklace a chain and now it's not coming off or getting lost. I still can't believe it. He was so young. What did he even do.

His actions were getting better. He was helping people. Why is this world so heartless. I've been talking to Ma. I never stopped calling her that. She's pretty shaken. Everyone is shaken. Stokeley isn't answering calls. He deleted his social media, but he's getting back on it in a few days.

I did the same. I just don't want to continue seeing the post about him in that car. I'm going to the funeral. Until then I'm not coming out of my room. I haven't eaten. Ma has been telling me too even though she won't do the same. My mom has been crying.

Micah is upset. Him and Jah used to play games with eachother. This year was going so well. I took off from work. I'll probably stay out for a few weeks. I need to get my mind together. They are still finding the people who did that to him. I hope they find them.

I mean his homies want them dead. They do that stuff, no problem. So those guys need to be found. I don't need or want anyone else in jail right now. I haven't slept. I've been listening to his songs on repeat and watching our videos.

I kept looking at our pictures and listening to our voicemails. We we're so happy. He was so happy. Damn it why did it have to be him. So many people in this world promote negative things. One person wants to change the world and feed it positive energy and they must be taken away.

This world is so cruel man. I swear.


June 20, 2018

I'm sitting in a blank space. My whole life continuously playing in front of me. My achievements, my goals, my misdeeds. All of it. "Are you satisfied?" a deep voice spoke.

"No" I responded. I wish I had more time. I need to apologize to everyone and be there to raise my kid. I need to be there for Aiden. My mom needs me. I haven't made things completely right with Avery.

"What do you wish to change?" The voice asked again. "Everything" I responded. "So be it" the voice boomed. A cool wind swept over me and I began to see my lifeless body in a dark room. My mind went blank and all my memories left me.

Everything went dark. I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was met with a bright light and an urge to cry. I cried and it sounded extremely annoying.

"Congratulations it's a boy" someone said. I moved my eyes around and seen some white people smiling. "He's beautiful" the lady on the bed said. They passed me to the lady and she hugged me.

"What's his name?" The doctor asked. "Billy" the lady said.

Hope you enjoyed this story

Sadly this is the end.

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