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Narrator's POV

Nick and Joe were kissing on the forward well deck when an iceburg was approaching. Unfortunately, no one saw it coming until it was too late.

The ship hits the iceburg on it's starboard bow. The ice smashes the steel hull plates. The iceburg bumps and scrapes along the side of the ship. Rivets pop as the steel plate of the hull flexes under the load.

Joe and Nick break from their kiss and they look up in astonishment as the iceburg sails past, blocking out the sky like a mountain. Fragments break off and crash down onto the deck, and they have to jump back to avoid flying chunks of ice.

Nick and Joe lean over the starboard rail, looking at the hull of the ship.

"It looks okay. I don't see anything." Nick said.

"Could it have damaged the ship?" Joe asked worriedly.

"It didn't seem like much of a bump. I'm sure were okay" Nick said, reassuring the younger male.

Behind them, a couple of steerage men were kicking the ice around the deck, laughing.

I am aware that this chapter is very short but I promise that the next chapter will be much longer and a LOT of things will be happening.

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