Joe is back on the Titanic

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Narrator's POV

Nick, Joe and Kevin run up onto the boat deck. They look at the empty davits.

"The boats are gone!" Joe cried.

They see a steward escorting two first class ladies along the deck.

"Excuse me! Is there any boats left?" Joe said desperately.

"Yes sir. There are a few boats all the way forward. I'll lead you" He said.

Nick grabs Joe's hand and they sprint past the steward, Kevin following behind.

On the port deck

Nick's arms are wrapped around Joe and Joe is shivering uncontrollably.

"You need to get on the boat" Nick said gently.

"No! Not without you" Joe protested.

Zac walks up just then.

"He's right, get in the boat Joseph" Zac said.

The steward grabs Joe in attempt to lead him to the boat.

"Go on. I'll get the next one" Nick told Joe.

"No! Not without you" Joe said firmly.

He didn't care that Zac was standing right there. Zac sees the emotion between Nick and Joe, he clenches his jaw but he leans towards Joe.

"There boats on the other side that me and Nicholas can board." Zac said.

"Come on Joe, the quicker you get on, the quicker we can catch our boat" Nick said.

Joe gets in the boat and it gets lowered slowly.

"You're a good liar" Zac whispered

"Almost as good as you" Nick smirked

"I always win Nicholas, one way or another" Zac said.

Nick sighed, he knows that he's screwed. He looks down at Joe, not wanting to waste a single second of his last view of him.

Joe is staring up at Nick with tears streaming down his face as the boat lowered. Suddenly he's moving, he lunges across a woman next to him and grabs the gunwale and starts climbing it. He hurls himself out of the boat to the rail of the a-deck promenade and scrambles over it. The lifeboat continues to lower down but Joe is back on the Titanic.

"No Joe! NOOO!" Nick shouted. He started running to the quickest way to the A-deck.

Zac had also seen Joe jump. Joe was willing to die for that man, that gutter scum. He is overwhelmed by a rage so all consuming it eclipses all thought.

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