3 He Arrives

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Ethan's pov

I awoke at 9 a.m. I didn't feel like putting my contacts in so I grabbed my glasses from the bathroom sink.

My dog Spencer was trotting around the couch. I frowned seeing as Y/N was no longer in the kitchen. No more fun until the dog park. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone hoping that Y/N had texted me something. All I had was Twitter notifications, and as always I wake up with 100+ notifications.

I ran downstairs and texted Y/N.

Bold- You


Hi, so I have seen your post on Twitter I hope life gets better and hope that you can explain to me what happened with your boyfriend to me at the dog park today. Would that be alright?

Yeah Ethan sounds fun I probably won't describe every little detail but if I could I would only tell you. So, thx Ethan for being a good friend. What time should I meet you at the dog park?

30 minutes sound good? I am always gonna get along with people as long as the get along with me.

Sounds great Ethan see you asap.

Bye, Y/N.

Bye E!

E??? I thought to myself. I grabbed a towel and clothes. I went into my bathroom that had a shower.

//Time skip after Ethan's shower//

I grabbed a leash for Spencer and hooked it on his collar. I grabbed my house keys and walked out. Spencer had started to run so I decided I would too.

All the sudden I heard steps behind me. I didn't want to stop but I also wanted to look. I made up my mind and looked back. It was Mark running with Chica. I slowed my pace down as well as Spencer.

//Time skip after catching up with Mark//

I had arrived at the dog park 15 minutes late. I looked at the dog park bench to see Y/N crying. I unleashed Spencer. I ran as fast as possible toward Y/N hoping she was okay.

She looked up at me and yelled," Baily we are gonna go home now!" Her voice cracked. She pushed me out of the way and said," I know this is bad timing I'm not mad at you, but I gotta go. I will text you." I nodded and noticed tears still streaming down her cheeks.

Y/N's pov

I entered the dog park, Ethan was no where to be found. I looked at my phone seeing a text from HIM. I sent him a message saying I didn't love him anymore and this is what I got back.

Ex - you're a b*tch anyway I cheated on you a million times. I'm going to come to LA anyway and beat you. I'll see you tonight. Make sure no one is invited.

Tears started to fall down my cheek. He beat me so hard last time and he literally left marks and blood stains on all of my clothing. I ran home covered in tears along with Baily. She kept on dosing into my leg trying to get me to smile instead of cry my eyes out. It worked a little.

I had gotten into my house and checked every nook and cranny making sure he wasn't here. Every spot I checked I had locked the window or door that was there.

I got out my phone and texted Ethan.

Hi Ethan sorry I left so early. Can you come over and I will yell you everything. I mean like as friends not as a date because this is incredibly scary for me.

Yeah I can I'll be there in 1 minute.

Thank you so much Ethan! I'll see you as soon as possible bye.


Ethan's pov

I ran over to her house. I grabbed her house key that she gave me. I unlocked her door. She screamed as soon as I got in," LOCK THE DOOR E!!" I did as she said. I ran to her she was sitting on her couch. I gave her a hug as she cried on my shoulder.

E-e ca-n I t-tell you so-mething. She said choking on her words. Anything.

//Time skip after you explain everything//

I hugged her once again. All the sudden there was a loud banging her door. It's a really good thing I keep a pocket knife in the corner of my shoe. Y/N got up and grabbed her huge kitchen knife. I jumped back a little.

Y/N moved her hands in a motion that meant go upstairs. I ran upstairs trying to not make any noise. We went into this room that was very empty that had a desk, computer, and camera set up. In the corner there was a Machete and a gun. I ran towards the gun because I have fired a gun many times to protect many people although I have never been as scared as I am right now. All the sudden I fell backwards and...

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