4 Ethan Goes To The Hospital

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Y/N's pov

I heard glass breaking from downstairs. All the sudden there was a big thud in my room and it wasn't Bradley (ex boyfriend)... It was Ethan. I ran towards him seeing blood flow out of his head. I grabbed the Machete and his gun that was in his hands. I gave him the huge chef knife so he could fight if he came back. Tears started to fall out of my eyes.

I grabbed my phone and called 911 .

911- hello what's your emergency?

Y/N- someone is hunting me down and my friends skull is cracked open.

911- can you tell me what your friends name is?

Y/N- yes, his name is Ethan Nester. He is a well known YouTuber socialized with Markiplier.

911- okay thank you for telling me that. Now can you tell me your address?

Y/N- sure thing. Ahhhhhhh-

911- miss? MISS? Hello is anybody there?

My phone was still on hopefully they can track it. Bradley had started hitting me with his wooden bat. I grabbed the gun that was loaded with 6 bullets. And started to shoot. I should thinking in the brain and he fell back. I started to shake thinking I was going to die still.

//5 minute time skip//

I heard sirens coming toward my house and people running inside trying to find me, I was so scared that I couldn't talk. They took me and Ethan into the ambulance. My heart slowly fell apart as Ethan had gotten picked up blood was leaking out of his head.

A cop came with Ethan and I and Ethan's eyes had started to open as we strated to reach the hospital. He looked at me happily seeing as I wasn't that hurt and than we hit another bump before we reached the hospital and once again he was knocked out. Then I grabbed Ethan's phone and called Mark.

Mark - hey Eth-

Y/N - It's me Y/N... I have some bad news for you.

Mark - hold on a second let me get Tyler.

Y/N - can I go now?

Mark and Tyler - Yes you may.

Y/N - Ethan is going into the emergency room and one person is aloud in at the moment they wanted me to call you to ask if you wanted to be with Ethan. If you don't than I will and you guys can come here and I will tell you everything that happened.

Mark - we will be there asap.

Y/N - can I go be with Ethan?

Mark - *whispers to Tyler and Tyler whispers back* Yes Y/N we live you as a sister and Ethan likes you way more than us so go ahead. Even if you don't think he does. He does because he no longer edits my videos or collabs with us because he is hanging with you Y/N.

Y/N - Thanks Soo much Mark.

The line went dead. I told the nurse at the desk and she told me which rooom he was in. I ran to the room. My thoughts all crying. I broke down in years once I reached his room seeing his head wrapped up in a bandage. Tears exploded out of my eyes. My best friend in the hospital. My ex boyfriend in jail, and Mark and Tyler haven't showed up yet. The doctor came in and said," Hi I am Dr. Vegan."

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