9 Looking for Baily

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Ethan's pov

I grabbed Y/N's hand feeling the coldness of it, trying to warm it up. We ran until we arrived at Y/N's house. I let go of her hand as she unlocked the door. I was so out of breath but I didn't care.

I had ran in the house. I rushed upstairs to find Baily, but she was no where to be seen in any room. I looked at Y/N," No luck?" I questioned hoping she had luck. She shook her head as I started to say," Me neither."

I checked outside to see if she was in the fenced backyard or anywhere in general. I heard someone start to cry. I looked behind me to see my beautiful girlfriend. I hugged her as she cried into my shirt. It's going to be okay Y/N I promise. " I told her reassuringly

She escaped the hug and I wiped away her tears. I grabbed my phone out to call the vets.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

??? - hello?

Ethan - Hi is the Vets office?

??? - No... But can you help me this guy kidnapped me and he stuck in the basement can you call the police the address is 4966 saints street.

Ethan - yes I will just a second, do you think you can just text me then I will send help asap.

??? - Yes.

End of call.

I had gotten a message.


The street name is 4966 saints st.


Okay thanks. Can you tell me your name so I can tell the cops because they are going to answer?


Ashley Branch. I have been missing for a year.


Thank you bye.

Y/N looked at my phone seeing my text conversation with this random person. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number.

Y/N's pov

I dialed 911 before Ethan could.

This is 911 what is your emergency?

Hi my name is Y/N and my boyfriend Ethan has gotten a message from a missing girl name Ashley Branch, she says she has been missing for a year.

Can you tell me what street she is on?

Yeah, she is on 4966 saints st.

Thank you, we are on our way.

Ethan looked at me and hugged me . I love you so much Y/N." Ethan whispered into my ear. Back to you.

I felt something brush up against my leg and noticed Baily was next to me brushing up against my leg helping me with my panic attack. I have Baily for 2 reasons. 1. Because she helps me with my emotional control and keeps me happy. 2. Because she is an amazing dog and is so amazing.

Ethan broke the hug and bent down to pet Baily. I got Baily's leash and attached it on to her collar. I grabbed Ethan's hand and intertwined our fingers and we walked back to his house. I grabbed my phone and some more clothes.

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