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to jinyoung's and jackson's surprise, they reached school earlier than usual. minding their business, the two were about to enter the school when they where stopped by BTOB. "what do you want now?" jackson scowled and pulled jinyoung behind him to protect the latter. jinyoung gripped jackson's as a sign of assuring his boyfriend that he is okay. about then, the word about the scene spread like wildfire, their schoolmates surrounding them as the two parties glare at each other, hate for each other burns in their eyes. if death stares can kill, either one or both would be dead by now.

"why the fuck are you with that fag?" minhyuk questioned. jackson chuckled as he replied, "why do you even care? its my life and who i want to be with." he proceeded to take hold of jinyoung's hand and soothingly rubs circles on the back of the palm with his thumb as he continues, "you know, i don't get why you are bullying him," referring to jinyoung, "you are gay too, people are gay too, smart, hot, cute, handsome, but why him?"

feeling his blood boiling, sungjae stepped in front and yelled, "do not put us with him! we are not gay, and we are definitely better than him! he does not deserve to be happy!" everyone gasped at sungjae's spiteful words. by that point jinyoung was on the brim with tears. noticing it, as well as his friends in the crowd, jackson stepped forward into the crowd tugging jinyoung beside him, showing the crowd the latter.

"everyone, i am pretty sure you guys know him," jackson pointed at jinyoung, "well, i not sure why you guys would want to bully him, maybe because he was easy to push around? easy to tease? i don't know? but jinyoung here, deserves happiness. even if you think he doesn't, he does. so therefore, here i am announcing, park jinyoung, is mine. he is my boyfriend and no one should dare to raise a finger at him. because if you do, you'll see your bitch ass face in the trash bin where it belongs. do you understand?" jackson declared with a firm and strong voice that made everyone scared and agree not to bully jinyoung anymore. for jinyoung not to be a tomato and shy, might be the hardest task at that moment - no its an impossible thing for him. however, a certain red head running away at the corner of jinyoung's eye caught his attention. 'mark?' jinyoung thought to himself.

ilhoon scoffed, "so you are going to make peniel get suspended for a week and then come and say that you are dating that fag?" jacskon stepped closer to ilhoon, face nearly a few inches apart and smirked, "yeah you got a problem with that?" before walking to jinyoung, kissing his boyfriend on his lips in front of the crowd.

the BTOB boys scoffed in disbelieve and left the scene while cheers of joy broke out in the remaining crowd. knowing that they can't bully jinyoung, they decided to befriend him after apologising as a crowd together.

jaebum, youngjae, yugyeom, bambam walked over to jinyoung and jackson, congratulating them on coming out as a couple in school and fighting off the bullies for jinyoung. "wheres mark?" jackson broke the congratulation. a few hesitation here and there followed by yugyeom claiming that mark went to the toilet. jackson shrugged it off as everyone when to class. but, jinyoung had a heavy feeling on his chest and he didn't know why.

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