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wednesday, 1.20pm

wang.gae :
heyy boo wanna meet after school?

wednesday, 1.35pm

i mean school just ended
i'll wait for u at my locker

wang.gae :
A/N : ^'ne' means "okay" had to do it in korean for the feels

"hey darling" jackson greeted as he reached jinyoung's locker. "where do you wanna go?" he asked. jinyoung shrugged as the two started their way out of school and then smirked wriggling his brows, "how about ramen and go?" jackson laughed at his boyfriend's suggestive tone, "okay okay, i'm assuming that you want ramen because its winter and who doesn't like warm kimchi ramen in the winter?" causing jinyoung to pouted cutely. as usual, jackson cooed at his boyfriend

the two walked into the nearest convenient store, 7-11, just down the street diagonally beside the street that the school was on. jackson bought and made themselves a bowl of nongshin kimchi instant noodles each. they sat down at the tables provided in the store and ate. "wow, its just instant noodles but you make em just right" jinyoung moaned as he took a bite once the noodles was cooked. jackson stuffed noodles into his mouth to hide the blush forming on his cheeks from the compliment. within minutes the two finished their food and left the store after throwing away the rubbish and buying more snacks.

they decided to head to jinyoung's instead since he missed his own bed and jackson wanting to go over to his apartment. jackson smoothly managed to hold jinyoung's hand and intertwined them causing the latter to blush. "blushy aren't we?" jackson joked, receiving jinyoung's laughter as a response. the monotonous laughter rang through his ears like a perfect melody as he observed the eye wrinkles shown as he laughed. "beautiful" jackson whispered soft enough that jinyoung did not catch. they continued the journey chatting about their day and laughing at the stupid things that the maknaes do.

jinyoung opened his door, and jumped onto his bed after removing his shoes. jackson chuckled at his boyfriend cute behaviour before following suit. he tackled the boy and tickled him. jinyoung squealed and squirmed under jackson, trying to get away from the moving fingers at his waist. but to no avail, jackson placed his weight on the latter stopping him from getting away. "s-stop i-i'm gonna pee" jinyoung pled im between laughter. jackson complied and stop, rolling and laying beside jinyoung, for a second before his boyfriend running to the toilet to release his bladder.

jackson's eyes darkened, noting what jinyoung changed into after urinating. really ramen and go huh?

A/N : M18 next chapter. holy water and bible are available for sale. HAHAHAHAHA

i hope this chapter makes sense :) sorry

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