The Chat

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HELLO THERE MY LOVELIES! So I know that I promised a WHILE back that I would update my story, "soon" but things changed and I forgot to...also, my school work has caught up to me so I might not be able to post a lot anymore. But I hope that you all can forgive me! Now, onto the story!!!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After 'Sans' had told me that we needed to have a chat, I started to get kind of worried about what was going to happen because I dont know much about this guy and I dont even know if he is nice or not! Although, from how many times I've talked to him and seen him with his brother, he seems to be a pretty good guy.

"Alright toots, I need you to know two things. One, don't hurt my brothers feelings. Ya got me? And two, don't even THINK about going genocide. Believe me when I say this (Y/N), you do not want me to kill you." He said in almost a very sad, but definitely in a threatening toned voice.

"Y-yes sir...I promise to n-n-never do either of those things! And y-your brother seems v-very nice s-so I would n-never hurt his f-feelings!" I told him which made me feel like a complete and utter idiot for stuttering. I started blushing because he was looking at me and giving me a weird expression on his face and I was hoping to keep it hidden from him, but alas I failed.

"Wow toots, I didn't realize that you would turn into a tomato just 'cause I was lookin' at ya! Are you alright?" He asked me through laughs. I started to blush even more while trying to make myself dissapear underneath the blanket that I was using.

"U-Um yeah, I'm o-ok Sans..." I said while mentally facepalming myself for stuttering.

"You can just call me Bill, toots. Hey, I have a place that I want to show ya'." He said while giving me a smug smile which actually looked kinda....cute? Wait, WHAT?!?! Why am I thinking these thoughts? He technically kidnapped me becasue I made a stupid deal! Although, I asked to make the I guess it's my fault.

"O-Ok...." I said and then I took his hand that he was lending out to me and we disappeared into a space of all black. It looked like there were a bunch of stars in the walls!

"W-wow! This place I-is beautiful! Where are we?" I asked him with clear curiosity in my voice, in which I would like to have some answers for where we are right now!

"Heh. You sure are a curious mortal, huh? Well toots, we are in the dreamworld. This is where I come to take the bad dreams and make deals with the dreams' host, so I guess you could say that we're at my work office." He told me. Wow, I would do anything just to see THIS everyday!

"I never knew that you would have such a cool workspace! But, who are they?"
CLIFFHANGER!!! Heya there lovelies! How are you all doing? I am sorry for taking FOREVER to write this chapter. So I hope that you all can forgive me!

Who are these mysterious people that (Y/N) sees? Will they be nice or will they be mean? Find out in the next chapter!

Also, if you have an OC that you would like me to add in, I will try my best to make sure that their role in the story is put in and makes a good part.

I love you all!!!

The Skeleton In My Dreams(Bill sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now