The Rescue Plan P.T 1

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Bill P.O.V:

Stupid Error! Why did he have to take (Y/N)!?! I shouldn't have left her alone while I was visiting Nightmare and Dream! But at least they said that they would help me. And by that I mean the Dream said he would help me and then forced Nightmare into coming along as well.
"Ok you two, I don't wanna be here so lets go get the stupid mortal." Nightmare said in his normal demonic voice, but what he had said had made me angry. How dare he insult (Y/N)!

"Hey! She's not a stupid mortal!" I yelled at Nightmare which made both him and Dream give me a really weird look...shit.

"Um, Bill? Do (Y/N)?" Dream asked me while taking quick glances from Nightmare and back to me.

"That's not important right now! What is important is that we rescue her! I'm sure that Error probably has her locked up in the Anti-Void, so we will want to go check there. Although we might want to go get Geno or Reaper to come with us. What do y'all think?" I asked them while waiting for their responses.

"Reaper normally doesn't like to cooperate to me, so I would say Geno" Said Nightmare, which I could agree with since Reaper doesn't like a lot of the Sans'. But Reaper is almost impossible to kill, and Geno has half of a life so even the slightest touch of a weapon and he is dead. Now I must admit that Geno is stronger than us, even ME, but he is more fragile.

"Ok, I'll go and get Geno while you two go and try to get into the Anti-Void. I'm sure that Error has made it to wear nobody can teleport there anymore until he releases his spell. Good luck guys." I said to the two brothers as they teleported away.

"Now time to get down to business."

(Y/N) P.O.V:

When I awoke for the second time, I wasn't in that rusty old cage anymore. Instead, I was on the ground but still in the same room as I was on before.

"Ugh my head..." I complained to myself. That was when I remembered my fingertips...

I quickly looked at my fingers to see if what I saw had all just been a dream...but I was VERY MUCH mistaken. I started to hyperventilate but I tried to call myself...well as much as I COULD calm myself. It's kind of hard to do that when you are slowly turning into a skeleton.

"F-Finally y-y-your awake." I heard a voice come from behind me. It sounded a lot like static, but I knew who it was from before. It was my captor, the one who had kidnapped me. I slowly turned around to face him, ready for anything. But what I got was even more of a surprise then I thought it would be. When I went to look at my captor, he was holding his hand out for me to take it. Why was he suddenly acting this way when just earlier he was so mean and stern?

"L-Lets g-g-go." He told me. What did he mean?!

"Excuse me sir but where are we g-"

"J-Just sh-shut up. N-n-no more q-questions." He said, interrupting me. At least now I know not to do anything that could possibly get on his nerves.

"Y-Yes sir..." I said quietly, hoping that he wouldn't hurt me.

"Th-Thank y-y-you." He told me. I wanted to ask him what his name was, but I am pretty sure that that would make him more angrier than he was at the moment.

He opened a portal and was about to step into it, but he stopped us before he put a rag over my mouth and I passed out...again.

Error P.O.V:

This girl can be really annoying, how does Bill do it? I teleported back to the Void to see that Bill, Nightmare, and Dream were all gone. I wonder where they went. Eh, whatever.

I teleported back to the Anti-Void and took the girl out of the cage I had put her in and layed her on the ground. I wanted to find out her name, so I teleported to Underfalls so I could talk with Papyrus, Bill's brother to find put some information about the girl. I must admit that Underfalls Papyrus may LOOK sweet, and he is, but he can be really mean sometimes. He told me that the girls name was (Y/N) (L/N), she was (Y/A)(By the way,Y/A means Your age)years old, and she was going to living with him and his brother until she dies, which I guess was going to be soon. Last time that Bill kept a human around, they died after a month or two. Bill gets bored with his prey easily, which is the only thing that I actually like about him.

When I teleported back to the Anti-Void, I saw that the girl had woken up and was trying to calm herself down because of something. I didn't really care though and made myself known.

"F-Finally y-y-your awake." I tell her, and she slowly turns around to look at me with a stunned and confused expression, this was because I had held my hand out to help her stand up. I didn't really care if she had stayed in the ground, but I needed to get her somewhere before Bill, Dream, and Nightmare find a way to get here. She was about to ask me where we were going, but I just told her to shut up and for her to ask no more questions. Thankfully for me she stayed quiet and let me think. I opened up a portal and was about to walk in when I pulled out a rag and put it over (Y/N)'s mouth until she passed out, then I picked her up bridal style and walked through the portal.

HEYA LOVELIES!!! I wanted to say that I am sorry for not updating lately and so I wrote a longer chapter this time! I hope that you all can forgive me! Also, if you are even reading this I would like to tell you all that I am going to have a contest! I will post it in the Authours Note I am posting around 3:00 P.M Eastern Time. I love you all and I really hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!!!

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