What did Error do with you?

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Heya lovelies! So in this chapternot only have I decided to add in my OC Erolus, but I have made this chapter because people were commenting about what had happened to them. Also my OC Erolus is not a part of the contest, but I just added her in because your author~Chan wants her to be known. She is the daughter of Error and Lust but I will not be making the story like that. Instead I will change her role as daughter to something different. Please excuse me for I keep on rambling on about random stuff. The contest is still going on and as I said before will end on May 19th, 2019. I love you all!

Error P.O.V:

I walked through the portal and appeared in Erendertale, the AU that I have promised to never destroy. I walked to my cousins house and knocked on the door.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I heard her British voice call from the other side of the door. Then I was met with my cousin Erolus as she yanked open the door.

"Why Heya cousin! What brings you to Erendertale?" She asked me. Ahe must have taken her Anti-Glitch pills earlier because she would normally be glitching almost as bad as me.

You see, when Ink was creating Erolus and her AU, he made her to be almost an exact fusion of me and Lust from the AU Underlust. Although Ink tried to kill her because she started becoming a threat to the other AU'S because I was teaching her how to destroy them in secret. So, I compromised with Ink and he promised to leave Erolus alone, but when I see him and if he is not creating an AU or is trying to save one from me, he is keeping a close eye socket on her.

"H-Heya E-Erolus. C-Can I p-p-please come I-in?" I asked her with my voice glitching like it normally does.

"Sure thing, c'mon in!" She said while moving out of the door frame so I could enter.

When I walked into her house I saw that Erolus had kept everything the same way as it had been before. The couch was sitting in the middle of the living room in front of the tv, and Marly was watching the MTT show.

"H-Heya Marly." I said to her. She just nodded at me and put her hood on quickly, she doesn't like people looking at her very much. I walked into the kitchen still holding (Y/N) in my hands but I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

"Why hello hello there Error..." I heard the far to familiar voice of Underfell sans. He was from the AU where killing and fighting other monsters was a hobby.

"U-Ugh. E-Erolus, w-w-what is h-he doing h-here?"I asked Erolus, hoping that she could give me a good enoughreason why he was her so I don't instantly KILL this dude.

"Oh, Marly invited him over. Apparently she wanted an apology from him. He is still here although because he won't say 'sorry'." She said. I dont really care though right now. (Y/N) is starting to get heavy.

"Wh-whatever. E-E-Erolus, can I p-put her i-in y-y-your bedroo-om?" I asked her, no matter what she said though I was going to go set (Y/N) down in there anyways.

"Sure thing cousin!" She said. She seemed to really appreciate what I did for her back about 7 YEARS AGO, but as long as she wouldn't hate me I guess I was fine with her calling me 'cousin' instead of Error.

"Th-thanks." I told her and then teleported to her bedroom and sat (Y/N) on the bed. I hope that the other guys don't find her.

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