Chapter 2 ~ Awaken and Gifts

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The pain finally stopped. I stayed still with my eyes close for a few moments and listened. I couldn't hear my heart. I couldn't feel my heart. Great! That guy did kill me! Then My eyes shot open. I saw everything so clearly. Every detail. The lines of the tree that was a mile from where I was. I smelled something unfamiliar come toward the room I was in... wait. Room? What? My body flew off the bed I was on and went in a crouch ready to attack. I did that unnaturally fast. Then new beautiful man walked in, but this one had honey gold eyes instead of blood red.

"You're a wake! Great! Oh. Wait! Im here to help you," The beautiful man says.

"Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here? What did you do to me? H-"

"Look. I know you have a lot of questions. I will answer as many as I can. Just calm down and drink this."

"Why? What is it?"

"Something to quench your thirst."

I didn't even notice the burning I'm my throat till now. I took the cup. It was red and smelled amazing! I brought it to my lips and chugged it. It was delicious.

"Okay now that that's out if the way. My name is Jacob Hemmings. I found you in the woods 3 days ago. I heard you scream. So when I found you you were alone and out cold, but your heart was going 100 mph. I picked you up and brought you back to mine and my family's house. The way you screamed. I've only ever heard it once before and that's when we found my sister Ashley. It means you were bitten. By a vampire. When I got you to the house I looked for any bites and found it on your neck. It was too late to get the venom out so it was let you turn or kill you. Me and my family had a vote and majority won and we let you turn. Oh and lyric. That was moose blood." He says pointing the the cup.

I just stared in disbelief. Then I saw I mirror and "walked" well more like flashed over to it. What I saw shocked me.

I still had my beautiful tan skin it was just 2 shades lighter. My skin was flawless. All the weight I had gained after the accident was gone. I lift the shirt I was wearing and saw I had a six pack. My faded dead black hair was now a shiny silky jet black. It went just above my butt. My lips that used to be thin were fuller than ever. Fuller then I have ever seen on someone. My eyes. My eyes were blood red with specks of orange.

Wait if hes a vampire how does he have gold eyes and the other guy and blood red eyes?

"The specks are because of the animal blood. Animal blood equals gold eyes. Human blood equals red eyes." Jacob told me.

"How did you know what I was thinking. And how did you know my name?"

"I can read minds"

After he said that I felt a chill run through my body and then I could hear voices.

"She's awake. I wonder what she looks like."

"Yes another girl! I know we'll be best friends. Oh best sisters! I wonder if she likes shopping!"



"Who's talking?"

"No one why?"

"I can hear people talking. Someone wonders what I look like. Another says she's happy to have an other girl, saying will be best sisters, and wonders if I like shooting. And the answer to that is yes I love love love shopping"


"She can read minds?!?"

"I guess I can. I just read yours. And who ever just screamed yes I'm there head."

After I said that I felt more chills. Then I felt everyone's emotion. It as all anxious. I felt jittery. I was kinda freaking out. Then I felt my eyes glaze over and saw me walking down stairs and me being greeted by everyone down stairs.

"I can't read your mind anymore! I saw that vision you just saw now I can't read your mind!"

"Really? Look here try again." My family. JJ Ashton Carlyn my mother and my dad. My dad's death.

His beautiful scrunched up.

"Ugh! I can't hear anything!"

"My family. I was thinking of my family. My twin brother Justin Jordan and my two younger siblings who are also twins. Ashton Luke and Carlyn Faith. My mother Clary and my... my dad John. my dad died in a car crash 4 years ago. And after that everyone turned against me because I was having my dad take me to the mall. I was abused and bullied. Then you know the rest."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"Its fine. It was a while back."

"Do you get chills before you figure these gifts out?"

"Yes. why?"

"That explains it. you must be a copycat."

"A copy cat?"

"Yes. You can absorb any vampire power make it your own and make it 100 times stronger."

After he said that my eyes turned a ice blue my hair red my lips thinned and my skin white. My hair to my shoulders. I also felt myself become stronger.

"Yep your a copy cat! You have my mind reading power, Michele's emotional control, Ashley's vision, Harry's strength, Jades shield, Miley's shape sifter and Lou's self control. That means you can be around humans sooner than we thought. Also since you are a newborn you are the strongest vampire in our house so with Harry's strength you are 200 time stronger."

"Awesome sauce" I said. I shifted back to my full lips, my tan skin, my black hair, but kept the ice blue eyes.

"Now then. Let's go down and you can meet the rest of the Hemmings family."

Hey Luvies! Hope you enjoyed the story so far! I will update this story as often as I can. Hopefully every weekend or so. Please COMMENT, VOTE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, ETC!

Peace out for now!

~CierraInReverse ✌️💋💜

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