Miss Me?

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Type of Oneshot: Angst
Who: mostly langst
Resolved: yes
Background: After Keith returns from the 2 year mission with his mom, Keith is in the castle. He's feeling confident right then and talks to Lance.
Based on a comic on instagram @kl.sunflowers, although Keith is not full Galran in this

   Keith had missed every paladin. But who he miss most of all was Lance. Everything about him made him crazy. So Keith waited until he spotted Lance alone, away from the group.

   Keith walked confidentially up to Lance, who looked really nervous. Keith got really close to Lance who took a step back to distance them. Lance was clearly flustered by this simple action.

   "H-hey Keith, whats up man?"

   Keith mirrored Lance's actions, taking a step backwards until Lance's back was against the castle's wall.

   "I'm good," Keith leaned down and whispered in Lance's ear. "Did you miss me, sharpshooter?"

   Keith had one arm next to Lance's head and the other by his side. Lance looked away from Keith's gaze and his scared demeanor changed into a more sad one.

   Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and buried his face into his chest armor. He was shaking and crying softly. A small voice came from Keith's chest.

   "Yeah I did. What took you so long?"

   "I'm sorry, Lance."

   "I missed everything about you. I missed your smile. I missed your laugh. I missed when you teased me and challenged me. I missed seeing you all the time. Sometimes I would stop and look around because i thought of a bad pun and I knew it would make you laugh. Then I would realize you weren't hear and swallow whatever thought I had of saying it and continue what I was doing. I really, really missed you. I even missed your mullet." He started sobbing harder, being lould enough to attract the attention of the other paladins.

   Keith returned the hug and rubbed Lance's back

   "I'm sorry."

   "It's okay Keith. I could never be mad at you for too long, because, well. I love you."

   "I love you too."

//even shorter. Sorry//

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