I hate it

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Thanks for the request _Evil_girl30033. Hope you enjoy.

Lance definitely hated his past. He regretted it and felt dirty, in a bad way, when he thought about it. See, Lance used to be a stripper at a bar back on Earth. Lance's family was in a rough place financially. Their only source of income was his mom who worked day and night. But it wasn't enough with five kids. So Lance was forced to get a job. He started by just working as a bartender but a position opened as a stripper. The pay was a lot higher along with tips so Lance decided to take the position. He eventually quit his job when his mom was able to get a higher job.

When Lance got into space, his family was all he could think about. It, at first, drowned his insecurities our of his mind. But now, with almost no hope, he let his insecurities take over. His past made him refer to himself as a slut. He thinks 'a dirty slut like me could never pilot well'. His thoughts have brought him down and the team has started to notice. Well, at least Keith has. But he's too afraid to ask him.


"So, since we've had so much free time lately, that we should try this team exercise again.  I know that I didn't go well before, but no secrets anymore, right?"

The team decided to go along with the idea and they slowly filed into the training deck. Lance was the most nervous out of them all. He hadn't told them about the stripper thing or even anything else about his past. Last time they had tried anything like this, Shiro ended it. We got memories of Shiro and Adam's fight, you know the one where they broke up. He spaced out while the rest of the team went. They didn't seem to notice his distress when Lance held out his hands for the device. He shakily put the device on his head and closed his hands. He started to feel dizzy and his memory was fuzzy like he couldn't remember anything. He squeezed his eyes tighter as he heard the team gasp, and Keith whispered something Lance couldn't make out.

Keith watched wide-eyed as he saw Lance dress in skimpy looking lingerie and 6-inch stilettos onto a stage. People sat around in plus looking chairs while he strutted to a pole in the center on the stage. He grabbed onto the pole and spun himself expertly around the pole. He lifted himself up a little and wrapped his legs around it, still spinning. The crowd threw cash onto stage and Lance hung upside down on the pole to collect it. He spun and spun around that pole in a dizzying fashion until the song ended. He spun around one last time, collecting the remaining cash before returning to the back room. The memory crackled and popped with interference until the memory was replaced with a different one. Lance was slumped against his bedroom door, head in his hands. His knees were pressed to his chest and distant fighting could be heard. It sounded like two adolescents fighting, one male and one female. Lance stood up and looked around. He opened the door a crack and looked out his door. What seemed to be his parents fighting in the hallway could be seen. His mother was screaming for his father to leave. He yelled fine before grabbing his keys and leaving. Lance ran to the window and pounded on it. His father looked up at him. He smiled and waved before getting in his car and driving away.  The memory ends and Lance throws the helmet off.

With tears streaming down his face Lance stands up and runs out of the room with Keith following quickly behind him. The whole team looked at each other silently. They were beyond shocked. They were more shocked that Keith had followed after Lance though.

Lance had flopped face down onto his bed face first and was crying into his comforter. There were quick footsteps outside his door then they stopped completely. There was a knock on his door before it slid open.

"Lance, are you alright?" It's Keith. He walked hesitantly over to Lance's bed. He kneeled down next to the bed and placed a hand onto Lance's back.

"No," Lance groaned. He flipped over onto his back and Keith moved his hand. Lance placed his arm over his eyes and laughed. "You know, I didn't want to tell anyone. I hoped that no one would find out. And now that you know, you must hate me. Because I'm just some cheap slut who could never achieve anything great. And in all honesty, I don't think that I could live if I didn't have you guys. You mean a lot to me, and I didn't want you to think less than you already think of me." Lance moved his arm and turned to look at Keith. Keith was cross-legged on the floor. He was frowning and had a soft sorta look to his eyes.

"Lance," he started. "We love you. I love you. And because we love you, something you did in the past doesn't matter to us. You are still the Lance I love. That the entire team loves. So please stop worrying about it, okay?"

Lance propped his head on his arm. "Wait, you love me? What a coincidence, I love you too." He smiled fondly at Keith. Keith gripped the edge of the bed and leaned forward. He placed a gentle kiss to Lance's lips before pulling away.


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