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Soulmate AU

Type of Oneshot: angst
Who: kangst
Resolved: ??
Background: they hate each other, yet there soulmates. But then Keith starts to not hate Lance but its just sad.

This is the soulmate thing where you start seeing color when you meet them.

Also, I didn't know where this was going when I wrote it so it may sound weird.

   Keith and Lance had discovered it early on at the garrison. Keith bumped into him and Lance started a fight. When their eyes finally met, it was blue and purple instead of grey everything.

   "Holy shit dude! Are you seeing this?!"

   "Yeah. But just because we're soulmates doesn't mean I have to like you."

   "Yup." Both walked away from that day with a heavy loss that they hated their soulmate.

   As they grew up and eventually came together to form Voltron, Keith realized that he might actually like Lance. Alot. But it was obivious that Lance didn't like him back. And that is the worst feeling in the world. To have someone hate you and never notice that you care so damn much.

   Keith would, as most fics portray him doing, cry himself to sleep. Stress, trauma, and unrequited love would do that. But he would never, ever cry around anyone else. They didn't need to see him like that, nor did he want them to. Vulnerability makes you weak, and that was something he couldn't be.

   So when he got a knock on his door during a particularly rough day, he didn't answer it. He just couldn't bring himself to leave his bed or force himself to stop crying.

   "Hey Keith, you alright?" Of course it's Lance. Why wouldn't it be. Would I really not do that.

   "No, but it has nothing to do with you. You don't care so leave me alone."

   "I was trying to be nice to you, I'm sorry. And I do care, though sometimes I don't show it." Keith sat up on his bed and stared at the door.

   "Do you wanna come in?" His voice was broken and small.

   Lance opened the door and immediately walked towards Keith. He placed his hands on the sides of his face and examined it. Keith just sat there and continued to silently cry, hoping Lance was done and he would leave. He really tried to force himself to stop, but he just couldn't. He bit his lip until it bled and pressed harder still.

   He didn't speak a word, but Lance pulled Keith into a tight hug. Keith just went numb and sobbed into Lance's shoulder. All Lance did was hold him tightly and rub his back. Eventually, he fell asleep. Lance tried to get up but woke Keith up in the process, who insisted on Lance staying with him in his half awake state. With some convincing, Lance agreed and lay next to Keith.

   He has since made random appearances to Keith's door. On especially hard days, Lance is drawn there and makes an effort to help Keith with his problems.

   Then one day, everything was fine. But Lance still came to Keith's door. When Keith greeted him, Lance grabbed him by his jacket collar and kissed him. He then let go and walked away.

   Lance stood around the corner, waiting for Keith's reaction. Keith's legs gave out and he fell to the floor. He just sat there smiling and giggling until he had the strenght to stand.

   Deciding that Keith had enjoyed it, Lance came back around the corner. Keith saw him and rushed to meet him, kissing him passionately when he got there.

   After some time, the two stopped to catch their breath and to discuss what the heck is going on.

   In the end, the decided to date and the night ended with 'some fun'. Everyone was happy bla bla bla The End.

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