How I Met You

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Thunderpike AU

Type of Oneshot: fluff
Who: klance
Background: Pike and Thunder are partners, but Pike reminisces about how they first met each other.

Pike= Lance
Thunder= Keith
Pov is Lances/ Pikes

   "Hey Thunder, rember how we met?"

   "Oh yeah, that day was weird."


   3 Years Earlier

   Pike was walking along the river, looking for pedestrians to steal from. He finally spotted a man stopped by the side of the river, stripping? It was a secluded area thay was commonly used to set up camps. Thunder stripped down to just his boxers and started to clean his clothes using the river to do so.

   After Pike stopped his staring, he got to work. He planned on stealing from the man's tent while he was busy, so he needed to be quick. He sneaked to Thunder's tent and crawled inside. He grabbed some valuables and climbed back out of the tent. But he tripped over part of the tent and fell backwards out of the tent. He made a lould sound as he fell and it alerted Thunder. He ran back to the tent and spotted Pike, trying to detangle himself from the tent. Thunder noticed how adorable Pike looked, all pouty and panicky.

   "Give me my stuff back, and... I'll let you go." Thunder, a trained kill may I add, had gone soft for a second. For most people, he would have just killed them and threw them in the river. But the creature before him had him questioning everything he's ever been taught.

   Pike sarcasticly piped up, "if you want it back so bad, kiss me for it." His voice was bitter but he was secretly hoping that Thunder would, you know. And although Pike didn't know his name at the time he felt strange around him. Like he had a crush, but more so. He was extremely attractive and would do anything to taste his lips at least once.

   " know what, fine. I'll do it." Thunder bent over and pulled Pike upwards. He placed a hand behind his head and roughly kissed them. Normally in these situations, it only last a few seconds. But in their case, of course it didn't. They made out for a while before Thunder pulled away.

   "That was.... wow. Who are you by the way?"

   "Uh, the name's Pike. And you are....?"

   "Oh um, I'm Thunder."

   "Wait what! The assisan Thunder."

   "Yeah? Is there a problem with that?"

   "No, well maybe, yeah okay there is. Why didn't you kill me?"

   "I didn't want to."

   "O-oh." Here comes the blushy blush that spreads across Pike's face.

   "But I will, unless you kiss me again."

   "Hehe alright then." And they kissed. Pike helped Thunder on his mission that he was on his way to and became his official partner. In both ways.

   Present Day

   ".... Well, I'm glad it happened or else I wouldn't have you." Thunder poked Pike's cheek making Pike pout.

   "Awe babe, don't be so cheesy."

   "But I love you."

   "Yeah yeah, love you too."

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