Episode 2

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*Annie had her head on Carson's lap and he woke up leaning down trying to kiss her when Annie woke up*

A: Carson *yawns*

Cars: *jumps up real quick*

A: What we're *yawns* you doing?

Cars: I think you have and eyelash in your eye.


Cars: Stop moving! *grabs her face and blows in her eye*

A: Thanks!

Cars: Your Welcome

A: I'm hungry you?

Cars: Starving

A: Wanna post mate something?

Cars: Sure

A: Ok *Annie sits up and grabs her phone* *orders chipotle* I got chipotle!

Cars: Ugh what is it with girls always getting chipotle why instead of post mating everything just order a pizza

A: *Annie gives him the death stare*

Cars: Ok. Ok. *hugs her*

A: *Hugs back and laughs* Your acting weird?

Cars: I just feel close to you... *blushes*

A:  *hugs back then pushes him away* I'm not gonna be another one of your make-out girls you know this right? *laughs*

Cars:  Why do you think that of me?

A: That's what everybody thinks about you *laughs*

Cars: *tears up* I didn't think you were everybody... *grabs his jacket and starts to leave*

A: Hey, Wait! Where are you going!

Cars: I don't know probably meeting up with one of my make- out girls... *leaves* *starts walking to Johnny's House*


John: *opens the door* Oh hey Cars! What's up?

Cars: The Chanel twins still wanna hook up?

John: That's my man *grabs him and pulls him inside*

Cars: *looks around and sees the twins are already the twins already there* Oh hey...

Izzy: Hey! So Johnny he's mine?

John: Yeah I guess

Izzy: Come on *grabs his hand and takes him to an alley, and immediately kisses him*

Cars: *Carson kisses back and then he starts to think about Annie and pulls away* I'm sorry I can't..

Iz: It's ok

Cars: *Annie was walking by so she didn't her them she just Carson making out with the girl* 

A: I-I...... * she starts backing up*

Cars: Wait Annie- *she runs away* 

Iz: I'm sorry. Please don't tell anyone about this *she runs away*

Cars: *Carson goes home and throws everything and sits down on his couch with his head in his hands*

Hay: *Hayden walks in* Hey big bro you ok?

Cars: No... I was making out with one of the Chanel twins earlier but I pushed her away because I couldn't do it But Annie saw! And she just ran away....

Hay: Did you explain?

Cars: No! she didn't give me a chance to she just ran away!

Hay: Do you want me to try to talk to her?

Cars: Yes Please! If you can get Annie to talk to me again I'll owe you my life...

Hay: Carson? Do you love Annie?

Cars:  Can you please just go find her...

Hay: Ok..... *He gets in his car and drives to Kenzie's* *knocks* Hey Where is she?

Kenz:  I don't know who your talking about.

Hay: She always comes here when her and Carson are fighting

Kenz: Ugh fine she's eating ice cream in the living room *they walk in together*

A:  Ken-zie! How coul-d you! *mouth full of ice cream*

Kenz: He needs to talk to you. I'll be upstairs.

Hay: He didn't mean to kiss her

A: But he did.

Hay: He pushed her away!

A: They were making out! 

Hay: Why do you even care!

A: because I-i don't know ok....

Hay: ok? Anyway he's sorry can you just come home?

A: Fine. I guess i'll come home but not for him for you.

Hay: As long as you don't tell him that. We're fine.

A: Ok... *they drive home and walk inside*

Cars: Annie! *Carson runs at Annie and hugs her tightly*

Hay: Now there's something you thought you'd never see... I'll be upstairs

A: *She pushes him away* I just came home Carson. That's it.

Cars: What?

A: I just came home... I saw you making out with a girl

Cars: I pushed her away

A: That's what Hayden said

Cars: I did Annie!...Why do you even care?!? We're not together!!

John:  *Johnny walks in* Hey Carson!

A: *rolls her eyes and kisses Johnny and then pulls away* 

Cars: Ugh Annie!

A: Why do you even care were not together!!



Cars: *Carson kisses her*

A: *Annie eases and kisses back*


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