Episode 18

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Cars: Hey Anns

A: hey.. *sniffles*

Cars: you okay *rubs her back*

A: yeah holding it together *chuckles* *looks at him*

Cars: what?? *laughs*

A: why did you stick around with me all this time??

Cars: because... i love you Annie Leblanc and i mean it...

A: *smiles* Well Thanks for doing so it means a lot to me *cuddles up to him*

Cars: Annie i also have something to tell and ask you *she sits up*

A: what??

Cars: Annie Leblanc *grabs her hands* we have been through so much shit that i can't even recall all those times *pulls her up* and through all of that i realize one thing... *gets down on one knee*

A: *cover her mouth* Carson no stand up *crying* your kidding me....

Cars: Annie Leblanc i want to spend the rest of my life with you... so will you do me the honor and help me fulfill that dream... Annie Grace Leblanc *she is still crying* Will You Marry Me???

A:*nods her head*

Cars: is that a yes?? *laughs*

A: yes yes!!! *he stands up and hugs him*

Cars: i love you *kisses her forehead*

 Cars: how do you feel... *laughs a little*

A: ummm happpy.. excited.. wow how long have you been waiting??

Cars: A year.....

A: awww *rubs his cheek* you are precious *kisses him*


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