Episode 10

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A: Ryan!!

Ryan: Hi mom

A: *gasps**hugs him*

Cars: who was it Annie *sees Ryan* RYAN 

Ryan: Hi

A: what are you doing here..

Ryan: well i was going to call you guys but i thought you would be down already.. guess not..

Cars: aren't you supposed to be graduating in a few weeks or so..

Ryan: Yeah about that i wanted to tell you guys that i graduated one year earlier than everyone.. else... *looks at them*


Ryan: *chuckles* yeah and i was hoping i can move back in with you guys...

Cars: Of course bud you are our son... why wouldn't we let you move back in with us...

Ryan: *smiles*..

Mad's POV: After that whole Jack Emma business i realized mom had texted my twice:

Mad's POV: After that whole Jack Emma business i realized mom had texted my twice:

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I responded back because i looked at her pervious text and it sounded serious:

She responded back saying that my brother is back and is moving back in with us permanently which i was totally excited about i haven't seen him for four years i missed him so much

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She responded back saying that my brother is back and is moving back in with us permanently which i was totally excited about i haven't seen him for four years i missed him so much... I told Chloe and Taylor that i was finally leaving and that my brother came home.. but just as i was about that walk out to my car i get stopped by Jack...

Jack: Babe i thought you were spending the night with me..

Mads: i know i know but my brother came home.. i promise we can spend time on Saturday promise

Jack: Pinky promise *puppy dog face*

Mads: *laughs* pinky promise *we did our couple pinky promise shake before i left:*

Mads: Bye babe 

Jack: love you

Mads: *blows kiss as she is getting in the car*

Annie's POV: So Carson and I may not have only had Mads but we may have had sex and i got accidently pregnant with Ryan 10 years ago... but anyway we were just hanging out waiting for Mads to finally get home from Jack's Party.. while we waited we were just taking pictures... and posted them...

-Author's Note: I am making Ryan look like Hayden Summerall in pictures if anyone questions-

-Author's Note: I am making Ryan look like Hayden Summerall in pictures if anyone questions-

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Mads finally got home

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Mads finally got home..

Mads: MOM DAD I AM HOMMMEE *looks around* *runs upstairs* *goes in parents room*

A: Hey babygirl

Mads: Where is he *tearing up*

Cars: in his old room..

Mad's POV: i rush over to Ryan's room before he moved out for college and just stood in the doorway...

Mads: Bu-bubbles *starts crying*

Bubbles was his nick name growing up and it has just become a thing for us now..

Ryan: *turns around* Mads *runs up to her and hugs her tight*

Mads: Ryan *crying in his chest* I missed you..

Ryan: i missed you too button *strokes her hair* *pulls away and looks at her* Fuck you are so big now *chuckles*

Mads: *laughs* yeah... probably not going to grow anymore but you know *laughs*

Ryan: *laughs* well that's okay... *looks at her* 


Ryan: me too... *Mads Yawns* You should go to bed...

Mads: but-

Ryan: no buts take you ass to bed.... *points to the door*

Mads: geez you just got here and you are already telling me what to do *walks out the door*

Ryan: LOVE YOU TOO BUTTON!! *laughs*

To Be Continued...


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