Episode 17

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 Jack's POV: i get in Mads room and she was lying on the floor barely breathing i immediately scream..



*they get in the room all frantic*

A: WHAT WHAT *looks at Mads lying there* CARSON CALL 911 PLEASE HURRRYYY *crying*

A: what happened *looks at Jack*

J: I don't know *crying*

Ryan's POV: we finally got Mads to the hospital and mom and dad have no idea what to do because they had no idea what was happening outside of the house....

A: Jack tell me what happened now!!!

J:  it is Mark i think i was just going to ask her what happened and i found her... *tears up* there... in.. her room..

Cars: your joking right i thought he was arrested...

J: apparently he got out for good behavior at least Mason did and...

Cars: WAIT he is OUT... and goes to MY DAUGHTER'S SCHOOL!!

A: *crying* no this can't be happening he... what about the other guy...

J: Mark.. he didn't get caught

A: OMG *crying*

J: I tried to warn Mads she didn't listen to me.....

Jack's POV: Mads wakes up after that conversation in tears...

A: Mads hey hey it is okay it's over *rubbing her head*

M: mom no it's not he is coming after you and he will come for you again.. i am so sorry i put you in danger and jack *looks up* jack *holds her arms out for a hug*

J: *hugs her*

M: i was so scared you left me *crying*

J: i wouldn't leave you Mads *hugs her tighter*

M: *sniffles* Thank you

Annie's POV: they are super cute.... i can't believe Jack still stuck around for Mads even though they had a huge blow up... but Jack and Mads had their moment but we still needed to find out what really happened so we I helped Mads get cleaned up..

 but Jack and Mads had their moment but we still needed to find out what really happened so we I helped Mads get cleaned up

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M: Thanks mom *smiles*

A: no problem sweetie *brushes hair out of her face*

Cars: now Baby girl tell us what happened with HIM

M: *nods head*

Annie's POV: so Mads was telling us what really happened that night with Mark and how basically he raped her and she didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to be label anything a school and if teacher and students found out  they would out cast her and she would lose her spot on the cheer team... and that she wouldn't be able to show her face a school again..

M: daddy please don't be mad and jack i should have listened to you  im sorry...

Cars: i am not mad Mads *hugs her*

Jack: and i am sorry too Mads i shouldn't have overreacted that night and none of this would have happened...

M: no no no no no no Jack none of this is your fault okay i screwed up and i should have listened to you and that is that...

J: *smiles*

Carson's POV: the nurse came in shortly after and said Mads can go home tonight so we left and headed home immediately and put Mads in bed and of course Jack stayed with  Mads to keep her company for the night while i had to console Annie because she was fearing for the  worse.... but i got change into comfortable clothing....

 but i got change into comfortable clothing

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Annie's POV: besides the fact that i was worrying about what would happen next... Carson is an amazing boyfriend... i get changed into comfortable clothes...

we have been together through thick and thin even know so it shocked me when he asked me this

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we have been together through thick and thin even know so it shocked me when he asked me this....


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