Episode 14

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J: So Emma the thing i have to say is... that

Em: *looks at him* what Jack..

J: I miss you Emma and i know and get that i screwed up but i am done with that shit now i don't want to be alone anymore Emma i just can't.... *looks up at her*

Em: Jack...... I miss you too nd i have forgiven you a long time ago and I have been waiting and waiting for you to come back to me...

J: *mumbles*  i am sorry

Em: No you don't have to be sorry.... Jack *looks down and their feet*

J: *looks up*

Em: something happened *looks up at him* *tears up*

- downstairs-

Annie's POV: so we finally closed down the party after Jack and Emma left so now me and Carson are just sitting downstairs while Mads and Ryan were in the kitchen just talking.

M: what do you think they are talking about?

R: i have an idea what they could be talking about..

M: *looks at him* well what is that?

R: Something happened to Emma

M: and...

R: it involved Mason Baker

M: Uh no...

Emma's POV: so I told me what had happened to me with Mason he immediately blew up and wanted to kill him for doing that to me being that i am his younger sister for that matter..

Em: Jack... i am okay i promise *grabs his face*

J: NO i can't Emma this was a new low for Mason even i can't just let him get away with this *storms out*

He stormed out i and i new exactly where he was going.

Em: JACK NO *runs after him out the front door*

R: whoa Emma what happened..

Em: *grabs her hair* He is going after Mason...

M: We have to get there before he does then lets go *gets her keys and runs to the car*

Jack's POV:  i get to the old abandoned house and Mason is in his car talking to some girl...

J: *knocks on the window* 

M: *rolls the window down* Jac-

J: Get out the fucking car..

M: what? *chuckles*


he finally gets out and i immediately start questioning him about Emma to see if he was going to confess before i did any damage to his face.

M: Happy now Grazer

J: did you rape Emma

M: what you know i would never-


M: so what if i did you wont care she left you because you were nothing to her and she didn't care about you because you were NOTHING..

J: *tears up*

- Emma, Ryan,& Emma pull up-

Em: THAT'S NOT TRUE GRAZER *runs up to Jack and looks at him*

M: lets go Jack please

Em: JACK! *he looks down at her* please *tears fill her eyes*

J: *looks back up at Mason* if you lay one finger on anyone i love i will hunt you down and see to the fact that you ass gets beaten *walks away with them* *they drive off*

To Be Continued.....

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