Episode 13

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Emma's POV; I get up the next day and i am just as happy i as i could be because one it was my birthday and two i was back with the love of my life, Ryan Lueders i love him so much i got dressed in this:

Emma's POV; I get up the next day and i am just as happy i as i could be because one it was my birthday and two i was back with the love of my life, Ryan Lueders i love him so much i got dressed in this:

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and i walk into the kitchen being greeted by my brother Jack and his girlfriend Mads..

M: Hey Emma how do you feel * looks at her deeply*

Em: umm okay i guess *looks at her weirdly*

M: that's... good.... *elbows Jack*

J: ow.. Hi.. Emma *looks down then back up at her in awe*

Em: *smiles at him*Hi.... *tears up a little*

J: *clears throat*.... so umm.... happy birthday...

Em: ummm yeah thanks i guess.. so i a  going upstairs *looks at Ryan and then starts walking upstairs being followed by Ryan*

M: Babe i know you miss her just make up with her already... *looks at him*

J: Babe it is not that simple *looks down at the ground*

M: are you sure about that *lifts his chin up to face her*

J: yes *tears up* i mean ever since her i lost everything... and i i just don't know what else to do...

M: i know *weakly smiles* *sighs* but i bet she feels the same way you just need to *rubs his back* talk to her and see how she feels about all of this

J: okay i will just not right now *goes upstairs into Mads' room* *Mads sighs*

-In Ryan's Room-

Em: babe *pacing the floor* i mean i want to tell him how i feel and what happened and everything but i just can't he-

R; why can't you... *looks at her*

Em: *sighs* he left and the gang and *Ryan grabs her shoulders**Emma Sighs loudly*

R: hey he probably is just as confused and stressed out as you are but *she sighs again* he can't help you through *Emma tears up* the thing... *looks down* sorry

Em: *looks up* no *grabs his face* it is okay  i will tell him just... *looks down then up again* later

R: promise?

Em: Promise... *smiles*

-Later at Emma's Sixteenth Party-

Emma's POV: So it is about 10pm and we just finished opening presents and eating cake so we decided to take ur insta pictures before we got any tired and before anyone left to go home...

Emma's POV: So it is about 10pm and we just finished opening presents and eating cake so we decided to take ur insta pictures before we got any tired and before anyone left to go home

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J:*walks up t Emma* Hey...

Em: *turns around* Hi..

J: can can i talk to you *puts hand out for her to grab*

Em: *nods head* *grabs his hand* *goes upstairs*

J: so i- i don't know where to begin i guess that i-

To Be Continued...


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