Episode 6

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Carson's POV: so it has been about 14 years since Annie and my baby girl Mads came back and so far everything has been going great although things have been starting to get stressful because Mads has been moodier than usual and in her case that's not a good thing and never leads to anything good.... EVER!!

Cars: *Mads comes home from school* Hey baby girl how was school?

Mads: i actually don't want to talk about it... *goes to her room*

A: *walks in* what was that about... *looks at Carson* Cars..

Cars: she hates me...

A: now why would she hate you...

Cars: i don't know...

A: she maybe having.. uhh..

Cars: eww babe..

A: *laughs* sorry baby *rubs his back* but it may be a guy she is having problems with i mean who is-

Cars: A GUY!! like what do you mean A CRUSH!!!

A: babe its okay.. and yeah probably... *laughs* anyways..... how you holding up?? *looks at him*

Cars: * thinking face* huh??

A: *laughs* come here *pulls him into a hug*

Mads: *comes downstairs* daddy..

Cars: *turns around* Come here princess  *pulls her into hug* what's wrong..

Mads: I like a guy and the emotions are taking over me *cries*

Cars: i-i-

A: well how can me and your dad help mads

Mads: i just want you to know whatever happens let it happen....

Cars: ummm what is that suppose to mean..

Mads: trust me... ok.. *looks at her parents*

A: ok baby we will do that *mads leaves*

Cars: what was that about...

A: she is probably having a hard time figuring out who she is so you may see many identity changes in her...

Cars: Well shit-

A: CARSON! Language..

Cars: sorry *laughs* i forgot we have a kid now in this house 

A: mmhmm...yeah

-In Mad's Room-

Mad's POV: so i am sitting in my room preparing for school tomorrow when my crush texts me..

Mad's POV: so i am sitting in my room preparing for school tomorrow when my crush texts me

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i responded back to him when i got a brainy idea to ask him who he likes...

i responded back to him when i got a brainy idea to ask him who he likes

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