Episode 12

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R: I still love you Emma okay and i can't stand seeing you like this and i want to get back with you because you are just amazing... Emma??...

Em: *looks at him* Ryan I still love you too *smiles and hugs him*

R: *hugs back and then pulls away*

Em: *starts crying* R-Ryan i have to tell you something *he looks at her* something happened... *looks at him*


M: *in an alley* JACK SERIOUSLY HERE *laughs* *he kisses her*

J: yeah why wouldn't we do it here i mean we have done it everywhere else

Jack's POV: i pick up Mads and she wraps her legs around my waist and i press myself up against her entrance and she moans when Mads's parents walk by...


Mads: *pulls away* shit scatter Jack scatter *they run away*

A: babe who are you yelling at??

Cars: Mads and- *looks in the alley*

M: hey dad what's up 

J: what's up Mr. Lueders Mrs. Leblanc

Cars: b-but w-weren't you just- over -th-there and you- guys were *sighs* 

A: okayy i think it is time to get you home don't you think babe *rubs his back and grabs his hand takes him home*

J&M: *laughs and smiles*

-Back at Cannie's-

Em: Ryan...Mason... ummm. he

R: what Emma what just tell me you can trust me

Em: He uh he raped me the night you got back in town and i have just been to scared to tell Jack or my friends or anyone i would have told Mads but she is on jack's- *crying*

R: *hugs her* *strokes her hair* It's okay  *she's crying* shh its okay

Em: *chuckles* i am fine now Ryan since you are here * looks at him*

R: *chuckles* okay s could you considering staying here with me for awhile.. *looks at her*

Em: no i couldn't Ryan plus your parents probably won't let me..

R: no no they will be okay with it promise *smiles*

Em: okay *they get out the car slowly*

Emma's POV: so we finally slowly got out of Ryan's car and he invited me to stay with him for a while since i had no where else to go and he said it would be okay with his parents as well but i couldn't stop thinking about what Ryan said to me in the car and how he still loves me and how he comforted me when i told about the incident on Halloween.

R: Here i have some clothes for you to wear so you can go get cleaned up *blushes and looks down and then up at her*

Em: Thank you Ryan that is so sweet of you *hugs him** goes in the bathroom*

I finished getting cleaned up i came out in this:

I finished getting cleaned up i came out in this:

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