Episode 11

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Mad's POV: I got up and it was Saturday and i promised Jack i would come over and everyone in my house was asleep so i decided to put one of my dad's hoodie and some leggings:

Mad's POV: I got up and it was Saturday and i promised Jack i would come over and everyone in my house was asleep so i decided to put one of my dad's hoodie and some leggings:

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And i climb out my window and walk over to Jack's...

Ryan's POV: so i know my sister better than she thinks i knew she went to go see Jack but since i am good brother i wouldn't tell mom and dad that she left...

Mads: GRAZER OPEN UP *banging on his window*


Mads: i told you i was coming over

J: yeah but i thought later this afternoon..

Mads: nope *smiles at him and hugs and kisses him*

J: okay then... *gets back in bed*

Mads: were you asleep...


Mads: opps sorry

J: *laughs* no it's okay...

*Mads lays down with him*

J: so you brother he is back in town..

M: Yeah i am so happy about it..

J: yeah-

M: what's wrong..

J: it's just that you do know that-that Emma used to...

M:  To date my brother... i know...

J: Oh yeah.. I- don't know what to do Mads..

M: About what..

J: Emma i miss her but i can't say anything to her because none of this was my fault...

M: I know *grabs his face* it's okay.. you got me... *kisses him*

It then turned quickly into a make out. Jack picks me up and sits me on his lap at this point i was grinding on top of him..

J: Uhhhh Mads *moans* are you sure you want to do this...

Mads: i am very sure.... *moans*

Jack then flips us over to where he is on top and he kisses me... and of course it get more intense and we have sex....

-At Cannie's-

Annie's POV: i wake up to Carson fast asleep and to the smell of some delicious food i make my way out of the bed not waking him downstairs to see Ryan finishing up making breakfast...

A: hey Ryan

R: Hey mom

A: how did you sleep...

R: pretty good... well here's your breakfast

Emma's POV: I was just out on a walk when i walk past Mads house and i notice Ryan's Car and i started bawling... when this happens....

Ryan: EMMA!!!

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