Episode 8

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Mads: OMG WHAT THE FUCK JACK *rolls eyes*

Jack: *points to door*

Mads:*unlocks car door*

Jack: *hops in* Mads i am sorry okay what more can i do.. to get you back..

Mads: how about.. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR!! *rolls eyes*

Jack: i am not going to do that until you tell what i can do to fix this...

Mads: nothing *goes on her phone*

Jack: FUCK THIS MADS *grabs her phone and chucks it out the window in Taylors grass*

Mads: *shocked* *mouth opened* GRAZER WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!

Jack: You know i am fucked up.. right..

Mads: isn't everyone...*rolls eyes*

Jack: i am serious Mads....

Mads: can i go now...

Jack: fine Mads... *gets out her car and closes the door*

Mads: *sighs* *thinks* *gets out her car* JACK!!!

Jack: *turns around*

Mads: *runs up to him and hugs him like this:*

Mads: *runs up to him and hugs him like this:*

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*They stay like this for a few minutes*

Jack: *puts her down* *kisses her* *it turns into a makeout but before they could get going..*


Mads: *laughs* looks at Jack*

Mad's POV: I drive to Jack's empty house... and i text my mom i would be staying at Taylors because i didn't want them to know about me and Jack just yet...

 and i text my mom i would be staying at Taylors because i didn't want them to know about me and Jack just yet

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Jack started looking over my shoulder...

Mads: hey bub *laughs*

Jack: *reading her texts* Mads you were really mad

Mads: *sighs* yeah. *notices a crack on her phone* SHIT...

Jack: what?? *looks at her crack on the phone* oof that sucks babes

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