Episode 7

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Mad's POV: So Jack stayed over last night and i completly forgot tomorrow was Thrusday and i woke up to the sound of my phone alarm...

Mads: *screams* IM UP IM UP.... *looks around and at Jack* *smiles*

Jack: good morning *sits up*

Mads: good morning sleepy head  *pushes his head playfully*

Jack: *laughs* go get ready for school.. i *kisses her* will make breakfast..

Mads: *laughs*

Jack: wait.. *turns around* your parents know that i stayed over last night???

Mads: i am pretty sure that they already knew that *laughs*

I get up and get dressed in this:

and i go downstairs to be greeted be my parents and Jack

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and i go downstairs to be greeted be my parents and Jack....

A: good morning Mads... ready for school??

Mads: yes yes i am *looks at Carson who is giving Jack the evil eye* daadd

Cars: yes *not taking his eyes off of him*

Mads: he is not going to hurt me you know *grabs her lunch bag*

Cars: how do i know that..

Mads: you have known him since we were 2 dad!!

Cars: your right... sorry... *looks down*

Mads: aww daddy i will always be your baby girl and no one can take me away from you again... okay *kisses his cheek*

Cars: you hear that jack she's mine...

A: okay baby *rubs Carson's back* well have a great day Mads and.. Jack

Jack: thanks.. *smiles*

Mads: i will be home at.. *looks at Jack*

Jack: 8??

Mads: 8 please mommy pleasseee

A: ok ok *laughs* 8


Jack: got it *gulps* can we go now Mads* looks at her*

-At School-

Taylor:  hey girly...how jack...

Mads: amazing...

Chloe: did you know he is in a sex slave gang??

Mads: nooo he didn't tell me that??? *nervous*

Taylor: well here.. 


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