Chapter 13: Down There (Robby's POV)

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"Dude," I shouted as I walked out of the store, "We have food to last us forever in there. Plus whatever else is on this island. This is great." 

"Yea" mumbled Brandon.

You could tell this whole thing was hitting him hard. It was definitely hitting us all very hard, but that didn't mean we could just sit there. We had established a good place to start. Hopefully, we could find a way out of here. A few hours passed before we realized something. Dom had been gone an awfully long time. 

"Hey Brandon," I yelled. 

A few seconds later he stumbled out of his house. 

"Dom has been gone a long time. We should go check on him. Go get some snacks and I'll grab our pistols. For safety."

Brandon nodded and hurried toward the store. I jogged towards the barracks, and I picked up our guns. Nothing would get in our way. We met back up and started off towards the woods.

"I think I saw him go this way," Brandon reassured, "C'mon, I promise."

I followed Brandon through the tall trees of the island. Soon we came across some blood, and it was kinda fresh. It didn't just happen though. I noticed there was a trail as Brandon nudged me towards it. I took the lead as I closely followed it. Soon enough, we came to a tree with more blood on it. 

"Look, there are some footsteps over there," I noticed.

I began to follow them as my heart started to pump. I just realized that the blood could've been Dom's. I followed faster and faster until I came to an immediate stop. It was Mackenzie and Briana!

"Oh my... Look, Mackenzie!" shouted Briana.

"Hey guys!" exclaimed Brandon, "I didn't know you guys survived!"

Everyone was so happy, except Mackenzie. 

"Hey, what's wrong Mackenzie," I asked.

"Taylor went in that cave. We lost Marlene. Taylor said not to come for her, but it has been a very long time." She paused. "We need to go get her."

"I'll go," I offered, "I have my pistol. Just wait a bit."

They all nodded as a smile covered their faces. They were relieved they didn't have to go down. I was hoping that Dom would be down here, too. I slowly moved through the caverns with my gun equipped. A crossroads came before me, and I chose the side with the blood on it. It opened up into this gigantic room, and it got really creepy. You could hear the water hit the ground. There was a bit of light at the end of the room. As I moved closer, I noticed something that struck fear into my heart. There were all these torches surrounding skulls on sticks. Above all, at the back of it, was a person. I couldn't tell who it was.

"Hello," I hollered, "Who's there?"

I stood still as they moved closer. 

"Hello," I screamed, "Don't move another step or-or I-I'll shoot ya!"

They kept on trudging towards. Out of instinct, to protect myself, I shot. I watched as the figure hit the ground. I ran over, and immediately I knew I shouldn't have done it. It was Taylor. 

"O-Oh no, no, no no no no," I screamed, "I'm gonna get you outta here. Ju-Just stay with me!"

I picked her up and ran as fast I could back through the caverns. Thoughts raced through my mind. There were so many things I could've and should've done. I ran through where I entered to see the stunned faces of those around me. 

"I'm sorry, "I mumbled.

Everyone was so confused. They didn't know what had happened down there and neither did I. All I knew was that this was my fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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