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Y/n pov 

Y/n sat in there bunk on the ship talos, it was a refugee ship that carried the few survivors of y/ns home world. It had been glanced by the covenant as a show of power to the UNSC. Their was no other reason. Y/n was alone, even on the ship that carried 1,200 of their fellow survivors. Y/ns parents had died when the covenant had invaded.

Y/n didn't feel sad for them however, they had never loved them, always insulting or hurting them. Even so y/n was still not happy at their death, they hated to see anyone hurt. They would always try to help but were usually ignored.  

*BEEP* all personnel to battle stations we are under attack, repeat we are under attack 

Y/n panicked, the covenant had found them. Y/n knew like everyone else that the talos wouldn't stand a chance against any covenant ship. 

Crew member: hey kid, you need to go to the escape pods now. We're not going to make it

Y/n ran to the pod, the whole ship shook as a covenant rail gun tore threw the living quarters where the rest of the survivors were. Y/n reached the pod and entered closing the door.

Ship AI : pod will launch in t-Minos 5-4-3-2-1

The pod shot out of it's bay flying fast away from the doomed ship as another rail gun dart hit the ships reactor casing a massive explosion, due to the vacuum of space no sound reached y/n. They could only watch.

??? Pov 

???: Captain, the human ship was destroyed, mission is a success.

 ????: did the ship launch any life pods?

???: only one sir, it is cloaked but we can find it 

????: if whatever is inside that pod is important enough to cloak them it might be worth our time, find it we will see

(Ok first part done, let me know what you think and any request or ideas you have or would like to see. Thank y'all for reading, bye bye 👋)

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now