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Y/n was unsure about these people, the blue lady seemed friendly but friendly didn't alway mean that they were a good person

Blair and Johnson entered again and Johnson looked concerned

Johnson: Chief, your needed elsewhere, when you head out be sure to call Searia-141 to speak with me

Blair: Chief, your heading to a light cruiser on its way to one of the outer colonies to help a fire team hold off a covenant insertion

Y/n had no idea at all what that meant nor why the robot was leaving

Cortana: looks like we gotta go kid, I'm sure we'll see ya again soon

She waved as the big green robot grabbed the small disk and put it into the back of his head

He saluted Johnson and left without a word

Johnson turned to y/n

Johnson: now'll be under the watch of someone like big green back there, a Spartan, this they'll keep ya safe

Y/n didn't like the sound of that, the robot before had been terrifying, what if the new one is worse? Why couldn't they just go back with an'sareen?

Johnson looks at the kid and sighs
Johnson: I know you probably miss your home
He seemed to have trouble saying the word home, in fact the way he was speaking to y/n was very off, like there was something he did want to say,

Johnson: Blair will get you something to eat while I get everything set up....I best be off

He left solemnly, y/n may not have known this man basically at all but they knew that this wasn't right, that something was wrong

These thoughts were pushed out of y/ns mind by something far more important, food


Johnson got to his office to find the Spartan already there, early as usual, damn this one was big

Taller than chief by a good few inches and broad to, shit man this was a human tank....well not human, a Spartan tank

Johnson: Cal-141, you have an impressive track record, I know you would be better off doing something more important but we are dealing.... her, this is a UNSC Charlie Foxtrot with a dash of oni Bravo searia thrown in on top, you'll be running security on a child

The Spartan had been completely still and emotionless under their helmet but at that last bit there was the slightest tilt of the head

Johnson: it's complicated to hell and back and then some, kid got mixed up with the covenant after their planet was glassed, was taken hostage and then escaped with what seems to be an elite deserter, and if that wasn't bad enough it looks like we're gonna need to go threw 15 metric shit tons of reports and files on this, and the majority will be covered in black ink anyway

He handed over the small file Blair had typed up on y/n and sighs, at the beginning of the war he would have never thought of that time as the good old days of just killing aliens, now he damned missed those days and prayed for an assignment in active duty

Johnson: Anyways, you'll need to watch this kid, make sure nothing stupid happens, protect them and keep em safe, you don't have to like it but these are direct orders, I've told you all I'm Allowed to

The Spartan nods looking down at Johnson making Johnson feel like a small child himself, damn they were big

Johnson stood and saluted getting a crisp almost mechanical salute in return

Johnson: good luck Spartan, hopefully we can figure this mess up before to long, hooah

The Spartan didn't return the hooah and simply nods before standing up and leaving without a word

(Me attempting to sleep
My brain with ideas

If it isn't obvious I Feckin loved legends, ghost (badass, human), Cal (the absolute unit), Daisy (adorable), such amazing stories, and 1337 (just yes), that man is hilarious and I could watch feature length movies about any of them

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If it isn't obvious I Feckin loved legends, ghost (badass, human), Cal (the absolute unit), Daisy (adorable), such amazing stories, and 1337 (just yes), that man is hilarious and I could watch feature length movies about any of them

Finally throughout the chapters (especially the last one) I've added in a special guest, If anyone can name her then you get a Spartan sized cookie, and I mean like a Jorge Spartan sized cookie

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now