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An'sareen POV

An'sareen heard the sound of something that she didn't really like, it was some sort of human vehicle

She dashed to a fallen tree and hid in the small den it made as she pulled some more cover over herself and y/n, she thought of what she would do

Chiefs POV

Chief road the mongoose and jumped it into a small clearing and saw the pod

Chief: it's empty

Cortona: That can't be right

Chief: well it is, nobody's.......

He swiftly turned around as he saw a red dot on his radar

He pulls out his pistol and slowly walks to the dot

Chief: Come our and surrender now

The alien obliviously wasn't going to do that, it still caught him off guard when the elite kicked him in the stomach then jumped flipping over him and swiping his legs

Chief: that's not friendly

He says as he shoots after the alien

It dodged but from the way it ran it looks like it was trying to cover something with its body

Chief: it's got something

Cortona: perhaps something important, like a forerunner tech or maybe something else

Chief: what ever it is it might be dangerous

He ran after the alien and was catching up and shot it in the shoulder but it's armor had a field around it

He sighs and jumps into the alien knocking it to the ground, he unfortunately dropped his pistol

He also saw what the alien had been hiding, it was a human child

Chief: what the hell?

Before cortona could answer the elite swung its leg up to kick him but he caught it and threw the alien a few feet away so he was between it and the child

Chief gets into a fighting stance as does the elite

Chief : cortona I blame you for this

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now