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Master chief pov

Chief ran at the elite and they clashed but chief was stronger and bowled over it, he brought his fist into its face causing its head to snap back, he wasn't trying to kill it, but it wasn't out of the question

It spat at the ground in front of him before letting out a curse in sanghelie

It's voice wasn't the deep almost growl of most elites

Cortana: Female
Cortana confirmed his suspicions almost reading his mind

Chief: Great, just fantastic

???:(sanghilie cursing)

Chief: that doesn't sound very nice

He ran at it again throwing a punch but it doges grabbing his arm spinning and bringing his elbow down on her shoulder, it was obviously meant to break an arm or at least hurt a lot but with his augments and armor it did nothing at all the elite realized this a millisecond too late as he brought his arm up and back throwing her away like a rag doll

She flew over the head of the child who was just starting to stir

???: an'sareen

Chief: wait a second, was that sanghilie the kid was speaking?

Cortana: yes, let me's an ancient almost forgotten dialect, might as well be a different language from modern sanghilie....

Chief: the translation

Cortana: yeah yeah, it's an old name translating to "wild fire"

Chief: do you think that's her name?

Cortana: if it is then she's pretty important, the sareen family was greatly respected until one of them broke a marriage pact and murdered the betrothed

Chief: keep digging, I have a funny suspicion

He caught a punch from the elite and flung her away again this time through a tree

Cortana: it says here that the Sareen family was so disgraced by this they sent the daughter away to hide her but she joined the army instead being a rare female combatant in the elites

???: leave her alone

The child was sitting up now a terrified look on their face as they yelled

This tiny distraction got chief for long enough of the elite to land a very lucky kick to chiefs head Knocking him over

She tried to run but chief caught her leg and jump up and over bringing his elbow down into her face hard enough to brake the personal shield she had around her

The next hit was lights out as he knocked her unconscious

The child who looked out of it enough had fallen back down seemingly slipping back into unconsciousness

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now