Prisoner of war

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(These mean their speaking in sanghilie)

Y/n pov

Y/n had been drifting in their life pod for days, they had lost count. Food had run out about three days ago, water had run out in two. Y/n hopped that if they would die that it would happen quickly. A sudden jolt shook the child awake as their life pod was caught by something. The sounds of machines filled them with happiness. They were saved they thought. The door to y/ns pod was opened and a shadow stood before them. Y/n couldn't make out the shape but they didn't care. Y/n hugged the figure in relief .

The figure spoke. Y/n didn't know what they were saying but they knew what language it was. It was an alien. Y/n very quickly let go of the sanghilie and shrunk into their pod. 

Elite pov

The sanghilie was surprised when the human in the pod had embraced her. She didn't think the human knew what they were doing, she could tell they were young from their small size.

???: (a child? )

The human seemed to have herd her and instantly let go of her. The balked up into their pod fear written across their face. 

Other elite: (we wasted all of our time finding this pod only to have a tiny human? Rrrrrr, I'll kill it)

The first elite stepped informs of him.

???:(we are going to report this to the captain, do I make myself clearer? Or do you wish to challenge my authority? ) 

The second sanghilie backed off knowing that they wouldn't win despite their larger frame. The first elite grabbed the child by the shoulder and led them to the bridge, they surprisingly were smart and didn't resist. 

She led them through the ship until she reached the bridge. 

???: (sir we have found the life pod, but all it contained was a human child ) 

Captain:( hmmm, a waste. Do with the child as you please)

???:( yes sir)

The elite led the child to a holding sell and pushed them inside . She didn't know what she wanted to do with them. She would have to think.  

(Hello everyone. I would just like to ask if anybody had any ideas for the name of this sanghilie. They are female. Thank y'all for reading. Bye bye 👋 )

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now