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(This means their speaking in sanghilie)

An'sareen pov

An'sareen: what is your name child?

Y/n: it's y-y/n

An'sareen noticed a grunt on the other side of the force field watching them both.

An'sareen: (piss off)

Grunt:(yes ma'am)

It saluted and ran off

An'sareen: I must leave you child, I have duties to attend to

Y/n: o-ok

An'sareen: I will return later to feed you, and my name is an'sareen

She opened the force field and stepped it closing it behind her.

She walked to the the bridge of the ship to where the captain usually was.

She looked out of the port hole seeing a planet beneath them.

An'sareen: (what are we doing here? We were supposed to be going back to sanghilie!)

Captain: (the profits have ordered us to commences an attack on the human world.)

An'sareen moved to a computer and scanned the the human broadcasts

Broadcast: this is blue team sierra 117, covenant ship sited , Mac array firing now.

The entire ship shook as something hit it.

Captain: (engines damaged )

An'sareen suddenly didn't care about about the covenant, about her honor, all she cared about was getting y/n to safety.

She didn't think about what she did next.  An'sareen ran towards y/ns cell.

One of the officers stopped her

Elite: (get back to your post)

An'sareen wasn't gonna do that, she grabbed her energy blade and activated it killing him, as he fell she grabbed his carbine and shot the other guard.

She ran until a brute tried to get in her way, she jumped over him slicing off his head and kept running as she hit the ground.

She finally got to y/ns cell and opened it

Y/n: what's happening?

They were scared, shaking in the corner.

An'sareen: come with me

She picked them up and held them in one arm so she could still fight.

Elite: deserter!

She spun around and shot him in the head.

She slashed and shot her way to the escape pods. She pulled one grunt trying to run out and got in.

She activated the clocking and they shot towords the planet below holding onto each other.

Y/n: I'm s-scared

An'sareen: don't be, I will protect you.....

She held them closer

An'sareen: I promise

???: pov

From the human ship only one person saw the smoke trail of the pod entering the atmosphere he logged it away to check out later.

???: chief, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Chief: Cortana, your in my head.

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now