A new life

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Y/n pov 

The alien had pushed them into a small room with no bed or ready anything else. The alien then pushed a button and a purple translucent was appeared between them. Y/n backed into the farthest corner of the cell sitting in silence. The alien had left but others walked past ignoring them. 

Y/n laid down on the cold hard floor curling up into a balll for warmth.  They drifted into a troubled sleep having nightmares. 

An'sareen  pov

An'sareen was a elite minor leader. She held a little more authority than most elite minors but the fact that she was female didn't help. She was currently in her private chambers trying to think of what to do with the child. She knew what she should do was throw them out an airlock but she was not as cruel as her counterparts. 

They would probably need to be fed soon. She got off of her bed and walked to the mess hall she grabbed one of her favorites, a chunk of raw meat. She sliced off a small piece keeping the bigger one for her self and filled a cup with water. She placed them on a tray and carried them to the holding cell. She looked in to see the human laying on the ground perhaps sleeping. 

An'sareen opened the cell wall and placed the food on the ground. She nudged the child with her foot casing them to look up and for fear to fill their eyes. 

Y/n pov

Y/n awoke to the feeling of something moving them so they looked up. They were horifed to find the alien from before standing over them. They wore red armor and were tall, they still seamed a bit smaller than some of the others. 

The alien pushed a small plate towards them before walking out of the cell and closing the force field again. Y/n looked at the food and water, they were so hungry. Y/n started to eat the meat. It was raw and uncooked. Y/n didn't care though, they were so hungry and it was better than anything their parents had fed them before.   Y/n finished the food and water quickly. Y/n knew that it was only a matter of time before some alien or another would shoot them, or maybe even eat them. Y/n had heard many story's, they only hoped it would be painless. But they could only hope.

( Hello y'all thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed. Please give me all of your feedback and request. Thanks bye bye 👋)

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