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An'sareen awoke having had the oddest dream, a dream of giant things that looked like insects fighting a bipedal species with some type of energy blade on there hands and no mouths

She then noticed what was happening she was being dragged by two people with there hands under her arms, where was her y/n? Where was she?

No way was she having any of this, she moved quickly slamming their heads together, both human, and turning with the intent to flee was faced with something else

One of the human demons in green armor with a white 017 painted on the shoulder, she prepared herself for a fight but never even saw the hit connect just felt the pain and then hitting the wall behind her

What and how?!

Turns out she had been punched across the the hall and smacked against a wall, she was disoriented and dazed barely able to tell when she was yanked up and tossed into a holding cell

Damn that demon had hit her hard, probably broke something, it had gone straight through her shield, like getting hit with a gravity hammer

???: heh, elite my ass
Said someone who she assumed was the demon, the voice was human and female

She tried to let out a growl but she nearly passed out when she tried to stand

An'sareen: (demon scum)
She muttered in her alien language expecting the human to not be able to understand her

???: hey, (speak for yourself bitch)
She retorted in almost perfect sanghilie

What the hell was this demon, she wasn't sure it was real

An'sareen; (you speak my language, then you'll understand when I ask where is the child?)

???: (safe from you lizard, that's all you need to know)

The word lizard didn't really translate properly into sanghilie but she could tell it was an insult by how it was costed with verbal venom

An'sareen: you'll pay for this demon, believe me

???: hmph, when that day comes meet me in the battlefield and we'll see who pays

With that she turned and left leaving An'sareen alone with her thoughts

Y/n awoke slowly and found themselves in a bed covered in sheets an warm blankets, it was so nice that y/n could barely stay awake

???: ahem, hey there kid, you awake

Y/n looked over and saw woman in a military uniform, she had a clipboard in one hand and had a small screen over her right eye, Sorta like a high tech monocle

Blair: My name is Sargent Blair Pickens, when you feel ready to walk we need to ask you some questions, if you want we can get you some food first , they made cheese burgers in the mess hall

Y/n was just confused, where was An'sareen? Was she here....or had y/n just dreamed her up? No she had to be real.....had to be

Y/n: an'sareen.....where is she?

Y/n realized that this woman might not know the alien by name when she gave him a confused look

Blair: an'sareen?

Y/n: um she's big.....and alien....I was with her not to long ago before that robot started fighting her

Blair looked even more confused
Blair: I.....Umm

???: how are they doc?

Two new people entered the room, one a black man with a cigar and the other was the tall armored person who had fought an'sareen, he seemed even taller then the child remembered having to duck under the door frame to get in

Blair: Johnson, chief, we were on our way ...

The man with the cigar weaves her off
???: your dismissed Blair

Blair: Johnson! There's something I need to talk to you about

Johnson: what could it possibly be? That's more important?

Blair growled and pulled him out of the room leaving y/n alone with the giant armored figure

It had to stand at least 7 foot tall and then some, a pistol on one hip with a different gun on its back

The man was terrifying

???:hey kid, you doing alright?

The voice that came from the helmet was completely different then what y/n expected

The voice was a cheery female with something just slightly off about the way it sounded

Y/n was at a loss for what to say

Y/n: I'm....I'm.....

??? You've been unconscious for 3 hours

The voice that exited the helmet this time was what y/n would have expected, a gravity low male voice

Y/n: your....voice....

???: oh right I forget people can't see me, unplug me chief

The armored man reached behind his head and grabbed something placing it on the table, it was a small chip with a light in the center that projected a blue light

Cortana: my name is Cortana, the big guy is chief, he may look scary but he's a softy

A small hologram projected the image of a blue woman

Chief: thanks Cortana, might wanna take this slow though, kids been through a lot for a civi

Cortana: Alrighty then, kid, why don't you start from the beginning

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now