The sanghilie

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( this means their speaking sanghilie)

Y/n pov 

Y/n sat in their cell and watched the numerous aliens walk by, some were small some were huge, all of them seemed to ignore y/n.

They were surprised when one of them stopped and opened the cell, it was the same alien who had brought them food. They wondered if they should say thank you. Y/n was about to when they were scared into science by the alien stepping closer to y/n and looking at them. Y/n in turn stared at them. They had yellow eyes and grey skin although most of it was hidden under their red armor, y/n could still make out the four mandibles that replaced their mouth.

???: (words in sanghilie)

Y/n flinched but tried not to move, they had no idea what the alien had just said. But the sound of the aliens voice was much higher and softer than y/n had expected.


An'sareen was studying the human child, their dark blue eyes and brown, what did humans call it? Hair

An'sareen: (your almost cute)

The child flinched, ann'saree thought to herself and realized something that should have been obvious. The human didn't know her language. She thought of what she was about to do and how most would never speak to a human in their language.

An'sareen thought of the words in the human language and spoke 

An'sareen: greetings child 

The child didn't answer her only curled up more in the corner.

???: please d-don't hurt me

An'sareen felt an involuntary pang of sadness, what was she thinking, this was a human , why would she feel sadness for them?

One look into the child's eyes told her why, they feared her, they were helpless in an unfamiliar place surrounded by what the child probably thought were monsters.

An'sareen: I myself will not harm you, there would be no honor in that.

???: w-what are you g-gonna do to me?

An'sareen: I do not know 

Y/n: am I g-going to die?

An'sareen made the sanghilie equivalent of a smile although they probably wouldn't understand the gesture.

An'sareen: as long as you are under my jurisdiction, you shall be safe

An'sareen had no idea why she was promising this to a prisoner of war, well she had one idea why.

An'sareen has been injured whilst fighting against a rough elite, she had been stabbed in the sumach, she had undergone a surgery that had saved her life but also robbed her of the ability to bear children of her own. Maybe she was trying to be the mother she had longed to be since the injury. Only time would tell.

( Hello everyone thank you so much for reading, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, please give me all of your feedback and don't forget to check out my new samus x child reader story, thanks bye bye 👋)  

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