The crash

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Chief pov

Chief had seen the possible escape pod launch and had taken a pelican down to the surface of the remote planet below.

Cheif: why arnt we reporting this?

Cortana: I've got a feeling about this one, it's different

Chief: how exactly?

Cortana: just trust me John

Chief: sigh, how do you talk me into always doing this

An'sareen pov

An'sareen knew that when they landed on the planet that she would hunted, she had heard of the great demons that had destroyed the halo ring. That the arbiter betrayed them to help.

She had heard many stories about their strength and speed, how the wound slaughter hundreds with out need for rest.

She looked to the outside of her pod and saw a thick jungle outside.

She checked and found the child had passed out, that was normal on a fist fall from orbit.

An'sareen popped open the door and looked around, she saw no one near by.

She sighed and exited the pod while grabbing y/n and her gear.

She had no hope of finding help, as far as she knew there were no elite colonies on this planet, only humans.

She looked around at the empty forest.

Chief pov

Chief had "borrowed" a mongoose and headed out to the mostly likely spot a escape pod would have landed,

Chief: so, if it's not a dud, do we take them in or out?

Cortana: in if you can, out if you have to

Chief nodded and increased his speed. The forest whipped by as he expertly navigated.

Chief: this had better be worth it

Cortana: I'm sure that the covenant wouldn't send down just nothing, there's gotta be something important.

Chief: or it's another deserter

Cortana: we'll see, hopefully it's something nice for once

Chief: there's the smoke

They were nearing the crash sight.

Cortana: hello lucky, here we come

Child of war (Halo x child reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now