End of Begining

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Dueling had really changed since Yuma Tsukumo's time that duel monsters had become common place everywhere you look but the darkness never goes away only waits until the time is right but the time of shadows was soon going to return.

-to duel academy-

"Ok student who can tell me the name of the a rare monster made up of five cards" you say as a student puts her hand to answer the question.

"Yes Clare" you said as she stood up and spoke the answer.

"Exodia the forbidden one" said Clare as she sits back down as you walk up to the black board and right the answer.

"Correct Clare exodia the forbidden one is the answer how ever it is also the most difficult to some because of you needing the set to summon it but remember students just because it's strong doesn't mean it is unbeatable even the weakest monster could beat it" you say as everyone claps to show their agreement with statement.

As they finish the bell rings for the end of class as you send everyone out the classroom you see a young girl come up to you and give you a big hug.

"Hello Jasmine how are you today" you say as she looks at you with a angry face.

"Is that any way to greet your little sister" she said as she turns away until you stop her.

"Ok sorry sis so what's up" you ask as she runs up to you and hugs you again until she speaks.

"Oh nothing much was just wondering if it would be ok if you took me to the duel museum" Jasmine says as she looks at you with puppy dog eye.

"Well I do have the rest of the day off so I guess we could and I might even get you a special card if you behave" you said as she lets go and starts jumping for joy but you already had the idea to take her there.

-deul museum-

You walk in with Jasmine as she looks so happy almost like a kid at christmas which made you happy to see after all that you and her had been through.


It all started when you were 16 you had just been offered a job as a teacher for duel academy and you were about to pick up your 15 year old sister to head home and tell your parents the news.

"Hey big bro" said Jamine as she hugs you with a warming smile.

"Hey little sis guess what your big brother is gowing to be a teacher for duel academy" you say with a big warm smile as you see her eye light up.

"Yah my big brother is going to be working at my school" Jasmine says as she hugs you even tighter as you both start walking home but as you turn the corner you see your home on fire.

"Oh man sis stay here ok I'm going to see if I can find mom and dad so stay here ok" you say to her as you run into the house to find your mom and dad.

"MOM (cough) DAD YOU IN HERE" you shout as you walk to the living room to see a woman in a mask holding 2 cards when the masked woman soon turned to look at you.

"Who are you where is my mom and dad" you said as she started to speak.

"They are here and as for my name it is Mistress nightshade" she said as she revealed the 2 cards showing the pictures of your parents as she disappeared.

As you came out your sister asked you about mom and dad but all you could tell her was that they were gone as the days past you saw her lose her smile every day but you did your best to take care of her to try and make her happy again.

———————————————————End of flashback———————————————

After everything that has happened in the past 2 years but the only thing that matters now is your sister which makes you smile as you walk up next to her.

"So how is it sis" you ask as she turns her head to answer.

"It's wonderful look it's the hall of legends" she says as you both walk in you see all of the best duelists of each generation.

"look sis that's Yugi Muto the king of games" you say as she looks round at every statue like Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler and many more as you ask her a question.

"Hey sis which duelist would you like to be like" you ask.

"I think I would like to be like joey wheeler because he both cool and cute" Jasmine says as you look at her and give her a smile as you look at Yugi's statue.

[one day I will be there one of the greats to ever pick up a deck] you think as time stops as you walk around the museum when you reach a room with stone tablet that had images of cards but not just any card the egyptian gods but someone else was there and able to move.

"So you show up again Mistress Nightshade" you say as anger slowly boils up.

"You must be special but I plan to have the power of the gods and soon the egptian god cards" said Mistress Nightshade as you start walking up to her.

"I don't get it but those cards are gone" you say as she turns to face you as she laughs.

"Gone no simply out of place but I will pull them back and this will be the start of a revolution and you will not stop me" she says as energy starts flowing around the both you.

"Yes the gods will be mine come and be mine" she says as you watch the cards start to form.

"Oh no you don't those don't belong to you" you say as you grab a metal chair and throw it at the tablet smashing it causing energy to expand out as you are threw into a portal as everything is destroyed but it got worse because what happened next was your sister disappearing right before your eyes.

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