Countdown to the end part 1

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As you, Yugi, Jaden, Yusei and Yuma reach the castle doors you can feel a strange power coming from inside so you carefully open the doors and walk in which leads the 5 of you to a hall way.

"Ok now what" asked Yuma.

"Now we go down this hall way straight to Nightshade" you say as you begin walking but soon find someone blocking your path.

"Who are you" you ask as the person steps out of the shadows shocking the 5 of you.

"That's me but how when I'm here" Yugi says as the other Yugi starts laughing as it looks at the 5 of you.

"The name is Dark Yugi but I only want to duel you Yugi Muto" Dark Yugi said as Yugi walked forward.

"Zack you and the other go on ahead I'll duel this imposter so go" Yugi says as you, Jaden, Yusei and Yuma run on ahead.

"LETS DUEL" both Yugi's shout to begin.

"I'll go first and for my first move I play beta the magnet warrior and then place 2 cards face down that ends my turn" Yugi says.

"How weak but since I'm you my cards reflect your but not this one because first I play the field spell chaos seal and soon your mind will be lost forever" Dark Yugi says as the chaos seal surrounds both Yugi's.

"And with that my plan can begin as I play chaos beta" Dark Yugi says as a chaos version of Yugi's monster appears.

"But our monsters have the same attack points" Yugi say.

"I know but who said I was going to attack like you I place 2 cards face down and end my turn" Dark Yugi says.

"I draw and play gamma the magnet warrior and place 1 more card face down that ends my turn" Yugi says.

"I draw and just like you I play chaos gamma along with 1 more card face down to end my turn" said Dark Yugi.

"And my final move is alpha the magnet warrior that ends my turn" Yugi said.

"Come forth chaos alpha that ends my turn" Dark Yugi said with a smile on his face.

"I now combined alpha, beta and gamma to form valkyrion the magna warrior your move" Yugi says as Dark Yugi smiles.

"The I will combined my chaos alpha, chaos beta and chaos gamama to for chaos valkyrion and now it's time to see who is the real Yugi chaos valkyrion attack valkyrion the magna warrior" Dark Yugi says.

"I activate my trap magic cyclinder it sends your attack right back at you" Yugi says.

"That would surprize if I didn't know your moves so I activate my trap magic cyclinder to send it right back to you little Yugi" said Dark Yugi.

"Then I will activate this go mirror force this card sends your attack right back and destroy your monster" Yugi says.

"Then let me show you this my mirror force" Dark Yugi said as the attack was sent back at Yugi.

After the exchange of trap cards both valkyrion's are destroyed.

"And now I active the spell card monster reborn in order to bring back valkyrion" said both Yugi's as their monsters return.

"I've got to say even though your a copy you have got real skill and you have my respect" Yugi says with a smile on his face.

"Same to you Yugi but this duel is far done and soon you will be finished so make your move" Dark Yugi says.

"I draw perfect first off I will play de-fusion it splits valkyrion back into the 3 monsters used to summon it so come on back alpha, beta and gamma the magnet warrior" Yugi says.

"What is the point of this you might out number my chaos valkyrion but none of your monsters can beat my monster so why" Dark Yugi says with confusion.

"Simple I need 2 monsters to summon this monster but instead of telling you how about I show so now I sacrifice alpha and beta in order to dark magician" Yugi says as his number 1 monster appears.

"Oh no" said Dark Yugi.

"And now I equip dark magician with magic formula to give my monster 700 extra attack point" Yugi says.

"But your monster only has 3200 attack point and my chaos valkyrion has 3500 attack points" Dark Yugi says with a smile on his face.

"That's but how ever he will be your undoing as I activate brain control this card lets me take control of 1 of your monsters this turn so your chaos valkyrion is now mine" Yugi says.

"Nice plan Yugi but that will not happen as I activate from my hand de-fusion so now your brain control has no target since my chaos valkyrion is gone and now I have chaos gamma, chaos alpha and chaos beta" said Dark Yugi as Yugi's brain control failed.

"Now Yugi you have to attack my monsters instead of my life points but soon my strongest monster will rise and you will fall" Dark Yugi says.

"Ok the go dark magician dark magic attack" Yugi says as dark magician destroys chaos alpha.

"Since your monster was in defence mode you take no damage so I place 1 face down and end my turn" said Yugi.

"My draw and I think it's time to end this duel as I now use my level 4 chaos beta and my level 4 chaos gamma to build the overlay network" Dark Yugi says as his monster disappear.

"Oh no" Yugi says.

"Yes Yugi I xyz summon chaos god libra" Dark Yugi says.

"I think you might have forgot that your monster has 0 attack points" Yugi say as Dark Yugi gives him a loud laugh.

"Oh I did forget but chaos god libra has a special ability by using 1 overlay unit chaos libra gains the attack points of all monsters in my graveyard" Dark Yugi says.

Chaos valkyrion = 3500
Chaos gamma = 1500
Chaos beta = 1700
Chaos alpha = 1400


Chaos god libra ATK 8100

"No way 8100 attack points" Yugi said in shock.

"Yes and that's enough to win me this duel go chaos god libra destroy his dark magician and erase his exsitence" Dark Yugi says as his monster destroys Yugi's dropping his life points to 0.

Dark magician = 3200
Chaos god libra = 8100


Yugi - 0
Dark Yugi - 4000

"I won now Yugi your power will be given to Nightshade" Dark Yugi says.

"I still believe Zack will defeat her so this war has only just begun" Yugi says before his body turns to energy and is sent in to the card.

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