Meeting a legend

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You had just won back Joey's red eyes black dragon and became really good friends with him and Téa but now you were heading to the card shop of Yugi Muto but the question was how you were going to explain things to him.

-at the card shop-

"Hey Yugi you here we have someone want to meet" spoke Joey as the young legend came forward.

"Hey there my name is Yugi Muto and you are" said Yugi as you walk in front of Joey.

"My name is Zack Mcintyre but please call me Zack" you say as look at the young man who soon shook your hand.

"So how can I help you looking for some cards" he says as you shake your head.

"I am here to find a shard of the tablet from the museum and I know this will be hard to believe but I'm actually from the future just like I know atem or the spirit of the puzzle is from the past" you as he looks at you.

"Ok so tell me why your looking for this shard" Yugi says as everyone looks at you to hear your answer.

"To fix my mistake you see this woman she calls herself Mistress Nightshade she was trying revive the god cards to take over the world but I destroyed the tablet but now everyone I know is gone even my sister they are gone because of me and I need to make thing right" you say as Yugi smiles at your answer to show that he believed you.

As your talking Yugi someone enters the card shop which makes the 4 of you stop and look as this person asks a question.

"Are you Zack Mcintyre" the mysterious person asked as you walked forward and spoke out.

"Yeah that's me why who are you and how do you know me" you say as the person pulls out a duel bracelet that soon had black smoke coming from it to form a duel disk.

"I am name is Mike and Mistress Nightshade said to find and duel you" he says as you activate your duel bracelet.

"Lets duel" you both say.


"I will start things off I draw and first I will play Shadow Doll in attack mode and place 2 cards face down I end my turn" he says as you prepare.

"Ok my draw and I will summon Cyber Fighter in attack mode and place 2 cards face down now Cyber Fighter attack Shadow Doll" you say as your monster rushes at his monster.

"Not this time I activate the trap card dark mirror this card prevents my monster from being destroyed" he said as your attack failed to destroy his monster but still did damage.

Shadow Doll ATK 1600
Cyber Fighter ATK 2000

2000 - 1600 = 400
4000 - 400 = 3600


"Back to me I draw hahaha with this your soul will be lost I play the field spell CHAOS SEAL" he shouts as pillar of purple light surrounds the both of you as you noice that Mike's eyes are glowing red as a purple aura surrounds him.

"Now neither us can leave and the loser will be erased forever hahaha now let me show you it's power as I summon this the chaos tuner monster Chaos Dealer and his special ability activates when I summon this card I can summon a chaos monster from my graveyard" he says.

"Hold on you don't have a chaos monster in your graveyard" you said before he answered you.

"The effect of chaos seal turns all my monsters into chaos monsters so come on back Chaos Shadow Doll" he said as his monster came back to the field as you watch him do something never done before.

"I now use my chaos dealer to give my chaos shadow doll a little more chaos power as chaos synchro summon Chaos God RED FORCE DRAGON" he says as huge dragon with dark red scales with glowing pink spikes on it's back.

"A chaos god then I need to get serious I draw and I will also play a tuner monster so come forth Fairy girl" as your monster appears you remember the memory of your sister.

"Big brother are you ok you haven't been eating" she said as you look at her and give her a fake smile.

"Yeah just thinking about how I should build my deck" you say as your sister looks at you with a big smile on her face as hands you a box.

"What's this" you ask as you open it to see a deck inside as your sister smile grows.

"I know it's your birthday in a few days but I made this deck for you I hope you like it" she says nerviously as you look through the deck.

"I love it thank you sis" you say as you give her a warm hug.
————————————————end of flashback————————————————

"I now give my Cyber Fight a little upgrade as I synchro summon Rev Up Warrior" you say as your monster appears.

"My Red Force Dragon's ability activates when you synchro summon a monster you take 1000 points of damage for every card on the field but I also activate the spell card chaos omega this card doubles the damage you take" he says you are struck by red lightning.

5 x 1000 = 5000
5000 x 2 = 10,000

"Hahahaha I win Mistress Nightshade will be proud of me" he says as he laughs even more.

"N...not y...yet I am still g...go...going" you say weakly as Mike looks at you in shock as everyone looks on in horror as what they see is your clothes torn and blood coming down your left arm.

"This is bad this duel is a shadow game" Yugi says.

"I was able to reduce the damage by useing Rev Up Warrior's special ability when I take damage from a monster's special ability that cuts the damage in half and I also activated the spell card damage cross this card also cut the damage in half again and gives them to my monster" you say as you fall to one knee.

10,000 - 1/2 = 5000
5000 - 1/2 = 2500


Rev Up Warrior ATK 2500
2500 + 2500 = 5000

"Rev Up Warrior attack chaos god red force dragon" you order as you activate your second face down.

"I activate my face down synchro burst when a synchro monster I control attacks yours your monster loses all it's attack points" you say as the 2 monsters clash.


After you win the duel you see your opponent's body turn into purple energy and disappear into the card as you fall down from blood lose as you start to fall asleep you see Téa, Yugi and Joey run over to you.

Hope your enjoying it sorry for this chapter being so long but still hope you found it enjoyable.

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